Price of meals?


Earning My Ears
Mar 5, 2001
We will be at FW the 22nd thru the 25th. I've heard meals at Trails End run pretty high. Anyone have any information on the cost of buffets/meals there?
Thanks for your time
Just click on this link and it will take you right to the menu's that Trails End have (buffet) and the prices.

Click here: Trail Ends Buffet - Ft. Wilderness

or it that doesn't work:

Sharon in Florida
Wife to Cameron for the past 15 1/2 years (July 2)
Taxi Mom to: Christopher-12 1/2 & Kayla-9
My Trips to DW:
Next Trip: June 15-25, 2001
FW-6/94, 95, 96,2000

Actually, the Trail's End Buffet is one of the best values in WDW! The prices are very reasonable, compared to other WDW buffets, and the food is very good! They serve all 3 meals! Check out the link provided above for food choices and prices!

Have a great time!

- Rhonda :-)
Camping Board Co-Moderator
I agree completely with Rhonda. While the meals are a bit pricey, when you compare the amount and variety you get, with other meals on disney property, Trails End is a real bargain.

We just got back from WDW with three teenagers (2 boys). It cost us a fortune for food at some of the parks (About $6.00 for a burger and fries -- at most places drinks were not included). Our teenage sons would eat the breakfast buffet for $7.95 (I think) and would be full for hours!!

Not only that but the food was good and the staff were very friendly.

The dinner buffet was also very filling (although it was expensive). We were all tired of burgers and sandwiches and wanted some "real food". The
night we were there they had fried chicken, roast,
boiled shrimp, pizza, etc...

We did not make it back for the lunch buffet but based on our experience I imagine the food was just as good. :D :D

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