President's week? Oh boy!


<font color=blue>please stop the madnesssss alread
Nov 2, 1999
DH and I finally decided to book our WDW trip during kid's vacation-President's week. We were overjoyed until we ended up paying $400 each plane ticket and peak season resort rates. Luckily we had booked with Avis in Nov, but almost lost ressies (thank goodness for customer service). Now I am reading here that this week is one of the busiest at WDW. We have been at WDW past two years mid March (spring break) and have not been bothered by the crowds (15-45 min wait). Is Pres week about the same? Can we maybe get an AP discount? Please help! :eek:
We are also going that week for the third year in a row. It is no more crowded than weeks in March.The first weekend with the holiday is the most crowded,with the M.K. getting the most guests. Later in the week the crowds get much smaller. We like that week because the parks are open later and there are extra parades and shows. Have a great time.
frann - keep checking to see if the prices on your airline tickets have dropped.

We purchased ours for Feb.13 and paid $420 R/T for each of our online tickets through Delta.

Since then I have gotten vouchers for future travel of $375.00, because the prices dropped.
Good Luck!

We will be there that week too :D

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