Premier Vacation Homes??


Jun 4, 2000
Has anyone stayed at one of these vacation homes?? Their prices seem very reasonable, ($150 for a 4 bedroom home with in-ground pool) but I'm a bit skepticle. I would appreciate any input.


I am sure they are very nice, but before you sign up try and go to central florida...these are mostly (some companies have snuck in) rentals by owner....we have used them many times and been very pleased and the prices are, by and large, much less than the big companies....there is lots of competition now for these homes as hundreds have been built in the last 3 years and I would think you could find a much lower price for a nice place....We stayed in a 3br 3 bath brand new condo for 695 during peak shop around....we have been to disney many many times with kids and grandkids in last 25 years and pvt home or condo is a great way to go if you cannot stay on property...Ted in Iowa...let us know if further will LOVE Disney!
Deno2, like you I was very skeptical about Premier Homes, but without reason. My extended family of seven stayed in a 4-bedroom, 3-bath executive home with screened in private pool in October. We enjoyed it so much, I'm booked for two weeks in August 2001. Even my very picky mother had no complaints. :D

You may be able to get better deals from the site listed by the above poster. However, I felt more comfortable renting from a company with multiple homes that I could hold accountable if the accomodations were not to my liking.

Here are a few links about Premier Homes:

I'll be glad to answer any specific questions that you have.

'72, '76, '85 offsite
Thanksgiving 1999 Contemporary
Labor Day 2000 All Star Sports
Sept. 2000 MOWC
Halloween 2000 Premier Homes
August 2001 Premier Homes
Thanksgiving 2001 Hard Rock & Holiday Inn Family Suites
CDisney -
I've visited the Premier Homes web-site numberous times and have yet to find if the homes are air-conditioned or not. Also, do they have weekly rates or is it strictly a nightly rate?? And, how far are the homes from WDW. For the past 11 years, we have only stayed on property and don't want the trip to be a big hassle or dissap pointing. Thanks for the imput!



The homes are air-conditioned. If you have the patio doors open out to the pool, the AC will kick off to concerve energy. I'm only aware of nightly rates, but definitely ask to make sure.

The website shows the neighborhoods where the homes are located. We were in the Lindfields Subdivision, which was about 10 miles away. For us, the extra drive time and even the traffic getting out of the parks was worth the additional space and the convenience of the kitchen and washer and dryer.

How much traffic you encounter will depend on the time of year you are going and also the time of day you head out to the parks. We were there in October so it wasn't too bad. From 8:30 a.m. to about 10 a.m. 192 was pretty crowded, but if we stayed in the inside lane 'til the exit, we made good time.

We found that we actually relaxed on this trip and the kids preferred the house to a cramped hotel room. When it was time to go, my 3-year-old asked if we could bring our "borrowed house" home with us.

Our first trip, the seven of us stayed in two rooms at the Contemporary. While we loved the convenience of the monorail, we felt we got more for our money at Premier. The seven of us also didn't get on each others nerves in the house.

'72, '76, '85 offsite
Thanksgiving 1999 Contemporary
Labor Day 2000 All Star Sports
Sept. 2000 MOWC
Halloween 2000 Premier Homes
August 2001 Premier Homes
Thanksgiving 2001 Hard Rock & Holiday Inn Family Suites


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