Prayers for Jiminy102, GoofyS and her family....


<font color=orange>WDW Antenna Topper Queen</font>
Aug 25, 1999
I have been gone all day and I just opened my PMs and, as I had asked when her dad starting getting sicker, there was a PM from her that he passed away this afternoon.

Back in the early spring he had gotten very sick and has been in the hospital since then slowly going downhill, with a few peaks of hope that he may be able to come home. Back in June, I think it was, they were told by the doctors that he was not going to last much longer. Holly was thinking if he lasted until the end of the summer they would be thankful. Well, after many hard battles after a heart attack, in and out of ICUs many times while in the hospital, he lost his battle this afternoon.

Please keep her family in your prayers. She has become a dear friend to me and I won't forget the day she PM'd me and told me that he wasn't going to last much longer....I cried right along with her as I am now....

Holly and Dave - you are in our thoughts and prayers!!!!
:( This is very sad news. {{HUGS}} Jiminy102. You and your family are in my thoughts.

Oh Holly! :( I'm so sorry! I'll certainly be praying for you! Big{{{Hugs}}} and please know you're in my thoughts.
Groosch! :(:(

The family will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Even when it's not unexpected...the pain is so real.
Holly and Dave, I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Prayers and pd sent from out west for you and your family.

6 time momma: it's so great that you are able to extend condolences to someone even in your time of tragedy.
My thoughts and prayers are with them, in this time of need. Hugs for all of you. :(
I am so sorry to hear this :( My thoughts and prayers are with all their family.
So sorry for your loss. ((((HUGS)))) You will be in my thoughts and prayers.:( :(
I will be keeping them in my thoughts and prayers.
My condolences to you and your family, Holly. :(

Thanks for letting us know, Chris.
Holly, I'm so sorry. I'll be praying for you and your family. {{{{HUGS}}}}


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