Positive experience with borrowed points

I'm waiting in the chat queue right now, but maybe you all can help confirm this. We have a September use year, and borrowed 104 points from 2020 for a trip that was supposed to be next week. Trip was canceled a few days ago, but those 104 points are sitting in 2019 labeled as borrowed. I was worried about our banking window being next week as they don't show as bankable, but sounds like I can expect those points to actually go back to the 2020 UY in the next 15 days?
I'm waiting in the chat queue right now, but maybe you all can help confirm this. We have a September use year, and borrowed 104 points from 2020 for a trip that was supposed to be next week. Trip was canceled a few days ago, but those 104 points are sitting in 2019 labeled as borrowed. I was worried about our banking window being next week as they don't show as bankable, but sounds like I can expect those points to actually go back to the 2020 UY in the next 15 days?

That is correct. They will return them. If you want to book something with them quickly, you can ask the CM on chat to get it done now. I did that last month and said I wanted to get a new trip booked that day, She moved them in about 10 minutes.
I'm waiting in the chat queue right now, but maybe you all can help confirm this. We have a September use year, and borrowed 104 points from 2020 for a trip that was supposed to be next week. Trip was canceled a few days ago, but those 104 points are sitting in 2019 labeled as borrowed. I was worried about our banking window being next week as they don't show as bankable, but sounds like I can expect those points to actually go back to the 2020 UY in the next 15 days?

That’s correct as I was in the same situation with December UY. However if you’re trying to book another reservation for next year and don’t want to wait for the points to return back DVC should be able to move them for you sooner.
Hopefully, you won't need to borrow more than 50% of your UY points since they have limited borrowing for the next year or so.
I am still waiting. Been 9 days since I cancelled. Chatted a couple days ago and they said it would happen automatically within 15 days. Getting a little impatient here. Don’t get why some get it done through chat and others are instructed to just wait the 15 days
Seems like there's quite a difference in timelines. I was surprised ours was done within a few minutes, I must admit.
I am still waiting. Been 9 days since I cancelled. Chatted a couple days ago and they said it would happen automatically within 15 days. Getting a little impatient here. Don’t get why some get it done through chat and others are instructed to just wait the 15 days

If you are ready to make a new reservation with those points maybe try chat again and give them that scenario. The person I was chatting with checked with her supervisor and then they did it (as I was was trying to add days to a March 2021 reservation that I had started).
just wanted to note that they are still allowing points to be unborrowed - I just cancelled a September reservation and they said to allow 2-3 weeks for points to return.
I had three cancelled borrowed point reservations for Late August/early September - The September one went back automatically at day 7/8, now it’s been 18 business days and I’m still waiting for the other two. I chatted with a CM earlier this week and he said it’s taking longer as it’s a manual performed transaction. He suggested I still wait... 😴😂
I had three cancelled borrowed point reservations for Late August/early September - The September one went back automatically at day 7/8, now it’s been 18 business days and I’m still waiting for the other two. I chatted with a CM earlier this week and he said it’s taking longer as it’s a manual performed transaction. He suggested I still wait... 😴😂
Same here. The chat CM this morning (after I had already indicated it had been 15 business days) told me it was going to take 15 business days.... Then (bc I am neurotically organized) I gave him the exact date my reservation was cancelled.... “Thanks for keeping me honest. Would you like me to submit a request? It will take another 15 business days?” Really?? I am trying to refund a rental, but won’t do it until sure my points will not be useless (aka returned to UY). Seriously frustrated.
Same here. The chat CM this morning (after I had already indicated it had been 15 business days) told me it was going to take 15 business days.... Then (bc I am neurotically organized) I gave him the exact date my reservation was cancelled.... “Thanks for keeping me honest. Would you like me to submit a request? It will take another 15 business days?” Really?? I am trying to refund a rental, but won’t do it until sure my points will not be useless (aka returned to UY). Seriously frustrated.

Have you told them you need them moved because you need to book with them? I was able to get them moved within a few days that way,

I had emailed and they said that if I needed them before the 15 days to book a new reservation to chat or call to have it happen faster. I canceled May 5th and had them returned around May 9th via chat.
Have you told them you need them moved because you need to book with them? I was able to get them moved within a few days that way,

I had emailed and they said that if I needed them before the 15 days to book a new reservation to chat or call to have it happen faster. I canceled May 5th and had them returned around May 9th via chat.
That’ll be my next move. I’ve been patient & if it takes longer that’s fine, but I hate when they spout nonsense like 15 days when it obviously isn’t true.
Same here. The chat CM this morning (after I had already indicated it had been 15 business days) told me it was going to take 15 business days.... Then (bc I am neurotically organized) I gave him the exact date my reservation was cancelled.... “Thanks for keeping me honest. Would you like me to submit a request? It will take another 15 business days?” Really?? I am trying to refund a rental, but won’t do it until sure my points will not be useless (aka returned to UY). Seriously frustrated.
Just received an email that as a « curtesy » they have submitted a request to return the borrowed points within another 15 business days.

Sorry, this isn’t acceptable. If DVC CMs have truly been laid off, then I’d like to see a reduction in dues. How is it less labour intensive to answer 2 of my emails, spend 15 minutes chatting with me 2x and 2 phone calls. What a cluster & misuse of ressources when a simple « points will be returned within 30 days » at the outset would have sufficed 🙄
Has anybody get the points back automatically? I cancelled today and they say it could 15 days.
We had our reservation cancelled by MS on 5/7/20 (It was for a reservation starting on 5/14/20)
Today (5/18/20) I see on my DVC Dashboard the borrowed points were put back into their original UY.
I did not call, chat, email, or have any other contact with DVC regarding either the cancelation or the return of points.

ETA: I did not receive an email or any other form of notification on either the cancelation or the return of borrowed points.
I only saw both of those when I logged into and looked on the member website.
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Has anybody get the points back automatically? I cancelled today and they say it could 15 days.

I was told 2-3 weeks when we cancelled ours, and chatted again today since monday was 3 weeks. they involved a supervisor and moved them back before I got off the chat.
Little update. We've now cancelled the rest of our trip too. Even if the parks and resorts are open, I don't think flights will be going from the UK in July, so have made the decision to cancel and use this year's points next year.
When I cancelled, I was told it could take up to 15 business days. On business day 16 I did a chat and asked if they could move them and they said to wait a few more days. It’s now been over 20, so I’m going to call Tuesday.
I know no one can know what's happening in the future but I am in the same boat as lot of you and was wondering what people thought the policy would be for the summer. I have a reservation for august with 50 borrowed points. Is it correct that if I cancel today those points would be put back into the 2020 UY but if I wait to see how things settle out they would change that policy to the old policy and they would remain in the 2019 UY? Just trying to see what my options are. I want to keep the reservation, I think the parks will be open but I also am not sure I want to be in the Florida heat and humidity and force my 3 little ones to wear a mask. sounds like a nightmare to me!!!! its so hard to make a decision when there are so many unknown variables!!!!!

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