Portofino verses HRH


alias "barbie" who is never too old to be a kid
Dec 28, 2000
DH and I are staying at the Portofino for several days in May. We decided on the Portofino due to all the positive comments about it here on the boards. However, the more I hear about HRH, especially since it is new yet cheaper, the more I wonder if we should switch our ressies. Anyone stay at both who can offer a comparision here?
Anyone out there! Am I in the twilight zone??? :D
Hey! I think "The Twilight Zone" would make a great "theme" for a new park. Just answer my question and I'll be a happy, happy camper! :D
Hi uneamie,
I have stayed at both hotels and they each have their own special ambiance. The decor in the rooms at PBH is much more elegant and luxurious. The hotel has a quieter, more "mature" atmosphere. The HRH is a fun, upbeat kind of place. Both have great restaurants. It's an easy walk from one hotel to the other, so we spent time enjoying both on our Feb. stay at HRH. I'd be hard pressed to say which I preferred as it's like comparing apples to oranges. I like them both!

Thanks Kate for responding.
I think I will keep our Portofino ressies for now.


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