Portofino pool


Earning My Ears
Mar 29, 2001
I am staying at the Portofino next month and have a five yr old who loves waterslides but is not a strong swimmer. Does the hotel have life jackets for the kids? Will they be allowed to use the slide wearing a life jacket? We usually stay at WDW port orleans, and they have jackets for the kids and let the kids wear them down, but some pools won't let kids in jackets go down. If anyone is familiar with this, please advise, my son spend 90% of his vacation in the pool! thanks!
We have been to PB two years in a row. I felt they took the safety issue very seriously. We were on a first name basis with most of the life guards. They will allow swimmies but I didn't see anyone with life vest on but my kids just said they saw some kids at times. There are three lifeguards on duty. They do a good job. The part you need to watch is right after they come off the water slide at the bottom, kind of turbulent. It can be scary(for smaller kids) until the water pushes the child to the shallow part.(All of about 2 seconds) They will let you catch the kids coming out and that is what I did. Once my kids went through it a couple times they were ok.
The last time I was at the PBH pool, the lifegard at the top of the slide had several life vests for small children.


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