Portofino-Deluxe Bay View


Earning My Ears
Dec 16, 2000

Am blessed that my daughter Michelle-Age 5 won a trip to Universl for three days/two nights at the Portofino. She is taking her brother age 8, Mom and Dad. We are going the last week of May and the agent tells us that we have a Deluxe Bay View Room. Looking for info on this room as not really clear what this means. Can someone clarify what type of a room it is? Also, from other postings should I request the West wing or other for convenience? If I stay for another night how much would it cost?

From reading this board the Entertainment rate seems to be the lowest price for staying on-site, so that could be the best approach for adding another day or two.

Thank you very much for information in advance.

Michael (Father of lucky Michelle) :) :D ;) <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"> :cool:
Deluxe Bay View Room means that your room will be looking over the Bay area. This is the best room view at Portofino so don't worry about it!

The West Wing is closer to the pool area and the boat dock than the East Wing however I have stayed in both wings and cannot complain about either! You can call 1-800-23-LOEWS and request the West wing if you would prefer it.

Yes, call 1-800-23-Loews ASAP to see if you can secure your added date at the Entertainment rate. It will cost you around $200 for the added night if available for a Bay View room. Make sure they put a note in the reservation that this is an added night and you want to stay in your same room. The hotel should have no problem with this request.

Also, go to this web page and sign up for Loews benefit program Loews First:

You will receive free benefits at the Portofino with a possible chance of being upgraded. Check out the website for all the details.

Have fun!!

I hope you don't mind - just being nosy here - but how did your daughter win such a wonderful prize?

You are going to LOVE the Portofino!! The Bay view rooms are the best!!


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