Portofino Bay Issues


Earning My Ears
Jul 24, 2000
Can a person not staying at Portofino Bay Hotel still go over to the area, and eat at the restaurants there, and shop/sightsee over there? Can a person not staying there ride the boats?
The Answer to all questions is YES. The boats are free to anyone and run between CityWalk and PBH and HRH when it opens this month.PBH has some really great eateries and just to go over and look at the area is a traet in itself.
I would think that this hotel is like any other hotel in that the public is free to enter. Look at it like you do the your "shopping mall". Your can browse around all you want...but you do have to pay for all the goodies...restaurants, spa, rooms, etc. Don't think you can use the pools though.
Tootles ! Uneamie



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