Portofino Bay Better Than Ever!


Earning My Ears
Oct 31, 2000
I just got back from my third stay at the Portofino Bay and could not be more pleased with the strides the hotel has made. The physical property has always been 5 star, but on our other trips (3/00 and 11/00), the staff was poorly trained and often unpleasant. The change in staff attitude is so widespread that I think it must be due to an overal change in management--I noticed that there is a new GM.

Anyway, we had a glorious four days and my husband and I agreed that it was our best vacation ever.
Thanks for the info! I will be staying there next Friday.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."

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