Portifino/HRH getting to Sea World


DIS Veteran
Feb 22, 2000
I am trying to work out the details of the non-Disney part of my trip. I would really love to stay at either Portifino or Hard Rock. The only place we want to go other than IOA/US is Sea World. If I can do with out a rental car( Using Tiffany's Towncar) is it a reasonable cab ride over to Sea World. Or is there a shuttle from these hotels over to Sea World.

Otherwise I will probably get a rental car for the entire vacation and stay at budget hotel offsite for this portion of my trip.

Any input is greatly appreciated.

Tiffany's taking me airport to Universal Escape to WDW will run about $110. Cheaper than a rental car at this point. Will a cab ride put me over the hump where I should just get a rental car??? <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">


offsite- 86, 92, 93
PO(now french quarter)- 2000
CS- 2002
Portifino and HRH have free shuttles to Sea World and Wet N Wild. Go to the Conerige desk for more details.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

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