POR 5+infant?


DIS Veteran
Oct 30, 2002
I know the bayou rooms sleep 5 with the trundle bed, but are you still allowed an infant in a crib as well? Thanks!
but that is really going to be tight.
You could, but between the crib and luggage for 6 people you'd really be crawling all over the top of each other!
Wow..you aren't going to have any room at all..none.

Why not get two rooms at a value resort..they are much more conveniently laid out and with all those people, two bathrooms would be excellent.
It's allowed, but I wouldn't do it. Five in a room was tight for us. The exception would be if the baby does the "family bed" thing with you. I can't imagine trying to squeeze a pack-n-play in there with the trundle.


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