Pool Activities?


Bad to the Bone
Apr 29, 2001
My 13 year old will not have a companion his age to horse around with at HRH. Do they have poolside activities and games for this age group?
My boys are 12 and 14 and we just got back from HRH last week.
Seems like that was the most popular age group while we were there!!
My boys played at basketball hoop in pool every day. It was fun to watch them interact with other kids they did not know. They are all so very much alike!
Lots of kids were using the slide at pool again & again. There is also a pool table & foozball game by the pool. My sons never did make it into the arcade.
I did not notice any "organized activities" happening. We wouldn't have had time for them anyway! :)
I appreciate your observations and reply. Also, I read your trip report and cannot wait until June. I'm glad I chose HRH, because I wanted KC(13)to have a grand time since he worked so hard this school year. He has an outgoing personality so i'm sure he'll have fun at HRH when we're taking a break from the parks.

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