Poohbear does her 4th SOLO trip to WDW!


<font color=CCCC00>Will travel without lipstick<br
Jul 27, 2000
SAT FEB. 2: Mickey wakes me UP at 6:30 and I get ready to go to breakfast. Had a Bagel, as the Food Court is VERY crowded after 7:30-I found this out the Hard way!:rolleyes: I never seen SO MANY Cheerleaders-Dance team-girls in ALL my life!:eek: :rolleyes: Head on over to Animal kingdom-opens at 9:00 I get there about 15 min till! Grabbed a map, and headed on over to Killimajaro Safari!! NO WAIT again! Walked right ON!:D Saw more animals than in Nov. and went afterwards to the RAFT Ride!! BUT, thanks to this wonderful board, I bought a Poncho and the sales girl told me HOW to wear it on the raft.....guess what?....IT WORKED!!:D Got my hands wet ONLY!!!! YIPPEEE! I love that ride, but the guy sitting next to me didn't...he got SOAKED!! Afterwards, somone asked me if they could buy my ponco, and I said YOU will definitely need one!;) After, I walked over to Chester & Hesters to check out what was going on there, and I found ANOTHER Alladdin type ride! Whats with this type of ride?? They have 2 in MK and now 1 in AK!! Gad, can't they think of something else???:rolleyes: I have to admit--the roller coaster looks good! It opens in March or April the CM told me! Cool! Went on over to Dino rode that, and decided that was it for me, as it was getting HOT! What is it with this Park and the Humidity??? AACCKK! Oh, and on the way out, bought MORE pins, and talked to a nice CM who has been there awhile-10 years! Headed back to hotel and rested and than headed on over to MGM! Part 2 of SAT next! MGM and Fantasmic!
Sounds like you are getting a lot of pins at WDW! Smart idea to buy a poncho before going on the Rapids Ride :D
So HOW do you wear the poncho to not get wet? I tried it once, but I still got pretty wet!
Poohbear you missed the best part of AK. the Festival of the Lion King Show. It is so awesome.
Lisa: I had seen that already. Annie&HalliesMom: You TUCK THE PONCHO UNDERNEATH YOU and wear the hood all the way over your head! Works like a charm!
I see that everytime I am there> Sometimes several times. It has a Miami connection. One of the girls that does the bird and one of the female signers went to New World School of teh Arts. The bird was in my daughter's class. I watched her grow up from 3rd grade on so I always love watching her perform. Can you tell I am a stage Mom.


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