Poly Concierge


I'm an acquired taste!
Jan 25, 2002
I was looking at AP discounts listed on Mousavers. It shows that they are offering this discount for the AKL Concierge but it doesn't say anything about Poly. Could it be that they just list any and that there are AP disc's for Poly Concierge? Should I just ask win I call CR?
It never hurts to ask! Sometimes it actually HELPS! ;)

Good Luck! :)
I called and got a discount for June 15th to 20th at Poly Concierge. It was about 30% the rack rate. Every little bit helps.
Sorry...... don't I wish it was 30% the rack rate. It was 30% off of the rack rate.
Yes....but it's not that big of a discount compared to past years.:) I think our rate is somewhere around $330 including tax for GV concierge.


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