PO rate?


Earning My Ears
Mar 26, 2001
I got a rate of $114 per night, including tax, at PO Riverside for early November. Is this good? Anyone know how I can do better? I've been reading $89 per night, but I think that's just in May. Thanks. :)
Usually, the Disney Club rate you have is the best you can do for November. This year may be different. There have been more discounts released this year than I have ever seen at one time. Best advice is wait and see!


Tammy aka Kaa
Budget Board Co-Moderator


Honestly I just called and asked for what the best rate was. I have a DC card and called the 800 number. This was my third phone call (had to check with everyone going before booking) and the only one where I was offered this rate. It works out to almost $200 savings for my family of five alone!
When did you make this res ?
So, are you getting a trundle bed ?
If so, your cost must include 15.
more per night....
I made my res thru Dreams Unlimited
and with the DC and family of 5 also-
I could only get 159. (includes tax
and trundle)
I know that DU will keep checking for
me and maybe I can still do better but your
post definitely caught my eye !


I made our reservation on March 15th. I'd been calling for about two weeks before that for prices. Our rate doesn't include the trundle bed. With the bed it works out to about $125 per night. I booked three rooms (traveling with extended family) and they all got the $114 rate. We are paying a little over $900 for the five of us, seven night, including tax and trundle bed. I did look through DU but they didn't get me the discount either. Maybe you should give Disney a call yourself and see what you can get? Good luck! When are you going?
You'll almost certainly do better later on. We got PO/RS for $99 in early March, usually 'High Season'. We're going Nov. 13 - 18 and I expect to get a Moderate for $89 or less or AllStars for $49 or less. Don't worry, you can cancel what you've got and book lower later. We switched 3 times before our 3/3 - 3/10 trip.

Bill From PA

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy
I'm definitely hoping that I can do better later on....However -I'm using DU and currently have a CRO rate for room-only. I know that this doesn't include my DC. DU told me that I'd have to go thru WDTC to take advantage of a DC discount.
Regardless....what's your experience with cancelling and re-booking ? When you assume that you might end up doing this -do you only ever put the deposit down and pay the total at the last possible second ?
I put the deposit down with CC.
I have now paid another amt of $ with a check.
My plan was to continue paying with a check until
there's about 200-300 left to pay just in case
we get a better deal (I didn't want to end up with a credit).
If I'm going to cancel and re-book in the future
will it take forever and a day to get my $ either
returned to me or transferred over to new res ?

Just wondering what your cancelling and re-booking experience is ?

thanks !


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