PO-FQ Boats to DTD??


Jul 24, 2000
Is it true that the boats are not running from PO-FQ to DTD?
And that you have to catch them from PO-Riverside?
Are they still only running from after 4pm??

Thanks for any help...

even though we didn't use the boats to DTD, the CM advised me that they were in fact working from POFQ and POR.

Wether it will be working constantly in the future I can not verify - you could always call the resort and double check in case it changes, but it was running a week ago!
We were at POR in July and there is now a boat that runs from POR to POFQ quite often. There are also boats that go from POR to DTD and POFQ to DTD. In July there were separate boats for these trips. I think the trip to DTD took about 30 minutes. It was a very nice trip.

We were at POR 7/13-7/20 and there are boat shuttles that go between the POR and POFQ every 20 minutes from 9:30 AM.

There are also boats that leave for DTD from each resort every 20-30 minutes from 4PM until about 11:00pm. About a 25-30 minute ride and very enjoyable, especially at night, going back to the resort... so quiet and so peaceful. the lights from DTD are cool and I am sure it did help that we had a cookie bottom sundae from Ghirardellis to enjoy on the boat ride back to POR. :p

Hope that helps.


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