Pleasure Island/Richard Petty/Misc. Restaurant Coupons


DIS Veteran
May 22, 2000
The Orlando Visitors Bureau offers a cool package that includes TONS of coupons, lots of brochures, maps, etc. It USED to also include the Magic Kingdom Club Card and the Orlando Magic Card (which, I believe, is free from the Orlando Convention Center). I'm not sure if those cards are still included because I ordered it in July. I think they were then including an application for a free MKC card, but now that it has changed (the MKC card), I'm not sure what it includes. They charge about 13.00 for shipping/handling, but one coupon is for 20% admission to Pleasure Island -- it's 20.00/each to get in so right there you'd save $8.00 for two people. There are coupons to every single dinner theater/show place in Orlando, as well as for the regular restaurants (Sizzler, etc.), coupons for Kennedy Space Center, Richard Petty Driving Experience, etc. If you plan on doing off-site things, are going to buy tickets for Pleasure Island (rather than having it included in your ticket), I'd recommend getting this package.
Duh..I'm so sorry -- I thought I included the phone number. I didn't recheck my message after it posted so I didn't notice the missing information.
Call 1-800-216-3134. Choose #1. It does cost about 13.00 for shipping/handling, but if use some of the coupons, it IS worth it. It is a HUGE package of brochures, etc. Yes, they are free brochures, but they took the time to get them all and send them in one package. I think the Orlando Convention Center has some free info also, but I'm not positive what is in it.


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