please tell me, entertainment card?


Earning My Ears
Mar 14, 2001
My son and I are planning a trip in April. I would love to afford on-site reservations. Please tell me what is an entertainment card and how do I get one? Is the Hard Rock Hotel as nice as it sounds?
You can get the entertainment book at I ended up with a book for the city that I live in cause they have alot of local coupons. Use can still use it for the hotels in orlando. I have not been to HRH yet, going on april 8, but we are really looking forward to it.

Keep in mind that you can call HRH or Lowes and make the reservations now by telling them you are an Entertainment member. I suggest that you do not wait until you get the book as the Entertainment rates are limited availability.

The hotel is as nice as it sounds. Click here to look at some pictures I took in February.

If you can afford the $117 rate definitely get the entertainment book and stay on-site. The hotel was beyond my expectations and the pool area was incredible. I was treated great by the staff and was even checked in at 9:00 when I arrived, even though I wouldn't always expect that. The benefit of front of the line was wonderful. In 3 days I never stood in a line. I can't wait to get back in September!
Thank you for all of your input everyone
I'm not sure about joining the club, but will try to stay at HRH.


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