Please help with Rental Car question



Hi guys,

We are hoping to rent a mini van to drive to the world in early March. I have seen great rates here before for that but of course, now that I need it, well you get the picture. Please let me know the best way to get a good deal, how you got a good deal, I am DC member and I know you can get some sort of a deal through National. Any help is appreciated!!

For 2 weeks at the beginning of Feb, at L&M rental (which is IN the airport), Im paying $287 before taxes for a MINIVAN. This is the best price Ive seen anywhere, with or without codes or coupons. There have been some good reports about this company on this board. I originally had booked with Dollar, and National, but changed for this rate. This rate is better than a full sized car at the other places. The search engine is down right now here on these boards, but if you scroll back on the transportation board, you'll find some posts about this. The website is
Hi disneyczy,

That LM rate that from Canada mentions sounds great!
You can try to use your DC discount at the National web site. Also you can try these codes (meant for anyone) at the Dollar site - FVG or KISS.
Good luck!


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