Planning Trip



Were going to wdw this year. Snice it was my idea to go i'm going to help plan the trip. I was wondering if any of u had every helped with a trip, and if it was hard? Cause so far it's been kind of hard for me. But fun to.:)
What do you need help with? If it's like booking stuff, I'm no help, (I'm illiterate when it comes to money :) ) but if you need help with where and when to go to places, I can help! :)
We always go to Magic Kingdom first- when you see the castle down Main st. it's like you know you're really in WDW.

Are you staying on site or not? And what else do you need help w/? Like restaurants and hotels and stuff or just what to do at the parks?
nope not hard

Ive helped plan every trip since we started going!

one big thing is your on DIS...go to the theme parks board and ask questions...everyone is helpful and they give lots of different answers too

well we usually go to MGM first...MK is always the most crowded of the parks...we usually go to MK 2nd

what time of year are you going? thats a big thing too
Were going at a time when it's a ghost town. We r staying on site were trying to see wich days when need to go to wich parks. Also what we need to do that night we know were we want to eat at. Everone says the struff is good. I'm not so sure bout on place. We do have a couple of free days planed after we get done with the parks. Were not sure what to do with those.


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