Planning trip for June..need advice (Long)


Earning My Ears
Apr 28, 2001
Hello all,
I've been lurking on these boards for quite some time and I've found it to be a HUGE help! There is really almost TOO much info here. With that said, I am now finally making plans for a trip of my own (actually wife, two kids, mom, and myself) to WDW from June 10-17 (Sun-Sun).

Part 1. Accommodations:
I've done the Priceline thing. First try, bid a bit too much and paid $50/night at the Renaissance WG for 11th-14th. Second try, got Wyndham R&S for $53/night from the 15th-17th. Finally, I realized we needed a place to stay on the night of the 10th and got the Sheraton Safari for $33/night. Overall, I'm very happy with the outcome.
Question(s)- For those of you who have stayed at any of the places above:
Do you have any advice on travel from the hotels to the parks? At this point I plan on using a car. I read somewhere that there is a back road from Renaissance WG to the park. Could someone please offer more info on this?
Also, any general advice about the above hotels would be appreciated.

Part 2. Tickets
For the kids I will purchase some type of hopper plus pass(5 or 6 day). For mom, only a 4 day hopper (she's leaving on the 15th). The wife and I, well, I'm seriously considering PAP's. Not only b/c of the discounts and relative affordable price, but also b/c it provides an incentive for visiting often.
Should I just wait 'til I get to WDW to purchase these. I know they sell them at the hotels, but can I still get a DC discount?
Where can I purchase the PAP's? I read somewhere they can be bought at DD and the Disney Store at the Orlando airport. Is this correct? Any suggestions?
Will "options' on plus passes get you into Disney Quest? What about the PAP and Disney Quest?

Part 3. IOA
I plan on mixing in a day at IOA sometime during the stay. When would be the best time? I've heard crowds at IOA are crazy on weekends. Suggestions?

Part 4. Making a plan
Any advice for forming a gameplan? All the info here is overwhelming. Do the guide books help that much? I'm mainly interested in avoiding super huge crowds, especially at the water parks. I don't want to lose my kids.

Thanks in advance. This will be my first trip (3rd overall) since '94 (DxL) and am really looking forward to it and to sharing my experiences with all of you. :)
Haven't been to any of the hotels you mentioned. We are going from June 1 to June 10. The first thing I do sit down with a calendar and decide which parks I am going to do on which days (I look at parade scheduals etc), then I make a list of what attractions I really want to see in each park, then I start considering the restaurants and make some PS (priority seating). I write a time sheet for each day. I do use the guide books to help determine rides and attractions. If I have any questions I come to this board. Example time sheet ( a quick one) is -- Morning at Epcot, list rides, lunch at Garden Grill PS number, nap, pool, or rest time, dinner PS maybe at Chef Mickey's, and then evening at MK, again list rides and/or attractions. I leave it loose so I can add and/or improvise as needed. I also have a suitcase open on my dresser and am starting to pack new clothes, socks, suntan lotion, medical supplies, etc...So my last minute packing will be easier. Hope this helps.



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