Pirate Treasure Hunt at the GF


Earning My Ears
Apr 29, 2001
Has anyone out there packed their kids of on the treasure hunt at the GF we have two little guys aged 8 and 6 years and are wondering if they will enjoy this break from us ?
Haven't heard about the Treasure Hunt, unless you are talking about the one that takes place on the Pirate Cruise. Your boy's would love that!!! They sail from the GF Marina, and hunt for the missing pieces of the treasure map on the beaches of the Poly, Contemporary and WL ,then they go to the beach near River Country and dig for buried treasure. The entire excursion takes about 2 hours, 10-12 on selected days during the week. The CMs and Lifeguards that run it are great!!! They wore appropriate, Coast Guard certified life vests the entire time, are feed a snack while they are out, and get to split and keep their share of the treasure. My DD was 6 when she went this past December, and she had a blast. They also are given eyepatches and bandanas to wear, that they get to keep.
If this is what you were thinking of, it is well worth it:)

:) :bounce: :) :bounce: :) :bounce: :bounce: :) :bounce: :) :bounce: :)
My DD was 7 when she went on the Pirate Cruise and she LOVED IT!!! We were there in November and since it left pretty early int he am (I can't remember the time) we had to duck into the GF gift store for a sweatshirt since we didnt bring one from our hotel for her. It was chilly on the boat with the breeze. Also don't forget to bring your camera when you are picking up your son. We have the best picture of the boat docking loaded with pirates with huge smiles......priceless!!!!
My two boys, 8 and just-turned-4 at the time went and LOVED it! They talk about that cruise more than the parks! I can't recommend it highly enough! Also, don't worry about their safety, they all wear life jackets and several CM's are there. I think the limit was 12 children and there were 4 CM's, at least two of which are guaranteed to be certified lifeguards. It's a wonderful time for them and a nice break for mom and dad, too! :D
I saw detail for this somewhere in my planning adventure. Taking my DS 8 and DD 5 in less than 30 days and would love to have them do this.

Do they go by themselves? Do you have to attend the MK in order to go?
The cost is 22.95 and is a kids only activity from ages 3 - 10. The trip is only done on Mondays and Thursdays from 10 - 12. I just callled :cool:

Sadly the two dates during the week I will be there are full?
DS, 5, just went on the cruise this past Monday, May 14. He was very excited to go- of course when he got there, he wanted to leave :) He went on, though, and had a blast. There were 3 CM's. DS said there was a little girl who was scared and asked to go back. Of course now DS was the brave pirate! LOL. They came back with a bag of loot- lots of goodies. It was a nice break as DS and I ate at 1900 Park Fare for breakfast.
You don't need park admission to go. It is at GF, so you don't enter any park. You make a reservation just like calling for priority seating.

dwfanatic...our DD was on that boat too! DD said they had so much fun...except that she was one of the ones that had to wait to get back to GF for a goody bag...they didn't pack enough :( . I thought it was a great activity and you can't beat the price!
Ok, it sounds great for my 9 and 6 year old boys. We are going in Oct. Do I just call the same number for priority seating to schedule it?
Yup. Just make sure you tell them it's at GF. Sometimes the CMs don't know about all the kids' programs.

I did not realize that they ran out of goodie bags. I hope you didn't have to wait long to get yours. DS had fun- he was the only kid who didn't wear a bandana when the cruise sailed- although many came back not wearing bandanas! LOL. You are right- it was a good value- DH and I had breakfast at 1900 Park Faire and enjoyed walking aroung GF for 2 hours. It was a nice break for us and DS had fun, too!!


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