Pirate Cruise Pictures


Earning My Ears
Jun 9, 2000
Hi! I have signed my son up for the pirate cruise for May. Sometimes he can be shy and I think he may back out, or he may not - I'm sure it will depend on the day. However, as a fellow Disney planner, I am trying to prepare for everything. I thought maybe if I could show him a picture of what fun it is, he would be excited about it. And knowing what to expect would help prepare him. So, anybody have anything like that?
Hi! We went last month and our 4 1/2 yr. old DS did the pirate cruise for the first time and loved it! I have pics that I'd be happy to email you...just let me know where to send them.
GlenelgMom - you're kidding! That's fantastic! I thought this was a long shot and I can't even tell you how happy I am! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You can email them to me at lwarmbier@att.net whenever you get a chance. My son was just playing pirate yesterday and had me digging for buried treasure in the couch - all we found was crumbs and a broken crayon!

Thank you again!
Hi Linda,
Got your email and am sending pics now. If for some reason you don't get them or the email, post me another message on this board.
OOOHHH! I wish you would have posted the pics here! I would love to see them. I have no idea what the pirates cruise is!

Please post them here so we can all see them!!
Please? :(

All Star Music 10/4/98
Next trip All Star Movies 05/3/02-05/12/02
Spinning - the pirate cruise is for kids, 3 - 10 years old. They dress the kids up like pirates and take them out on a boat searching for pirate treasure. You can book it through the 407wdisney number from 90 days out. I was looking for some additional information and Glengmom came through with flying colors! I'll try to remember to share the pictures of my DS on the cruise when I return in May! Or...I'll share my story of how he ran screaming from the boat!
I'm interested in finding out info on the Pirate cruise. I've been to DW 5 times and never heard about this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The Grand Floridain offers this activity for children.

"Children will wear pirate badanas and follow clues to search Bay Lake and the Seven Seas Lagoon for buried treasure> They will sail to many exotic "ports of call" (Resort Marinas) to collect treasure. At the final port of call, childreen will have a snack and split up the "buried treasure". Children who aree potty trained and ages 3-10 may attend."

My son loved this and wants to do it again this
year. My daughter want to do it too.

This is offered Monday - Thursday 10:00 am - noon
Cost is $22.95

Hope this helps.

My kids just went on this last month. They loved it. My kids ages range from 3-9, my 9 year old thought she was too old for it, but there were other kids that age. Iwas worried that my 3 year old would be scared to go,but he didn`t even look back.
My husband and I rented water mice and then just got a snack and sat out by the water. It was great and we`ll definitely do it next year.
We stayed off-site, and drove directly to the GF where they valet parked our car for no fee other than the tip.


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