Pink Sure Loves Attention

Yes, I could. I don’t chose to read articles about her (except the one my dh sent). I’m not going to stop watching The Today Show because they mention her. It’s human nature to not enjoy everyone and everything. I find her very annoying so when she is mentioned I roll my eyes. That’s all! I’m sure I’m not the only person who does that about a celebrity they don’t particularly care for.

And no doubt, some celebs are big enough that even if you don’t care or follow them, you’ll still hear about them.
I hear what you’re saying and I agree. Some celebrities are more cringe worthy than others. I don’t follow any celebrities either but some are hard to avoid.
Ok. I get what the guy is trying to say but those things don't/aren't supposed to happen in a Catholic church :eek: Not seeing the picture and not knowing the context of the memorial at first I was like oh heck no! Ya get your kids under control! Knowing what the artist wants it to be? Maybe, I would let them run around. But ,probably not because I would always be thinking about how would it make the survivers feel. Maybe they would like that..who knows!?!

I would hope that the survivors would want the same thing---a celebration of life after that horrible time.

I am not Catholic so can't speak for a Catholic church but we spend a lot of time in our church (Baptist). When dd was little we went to a more traditional church and even then, the kids played in the hallways and sometimes in the sanctuary, they played outside, they did messy artwork, they acted like kids. During the service each Sunday in the sanctuary this may not happen but we never taught them that church was a place to be afraid to act like yourself. Church was a placed to enjoy being. We wanted the kids to understand that fun and church weren't two opposites.

Now we attend a different church. Between the lights, smoke machines and loud music in the "sanctuary" and the kids playing in the kids' rooms, the coffee shop and the kids music room with all the fun instruments and noise makers, its a fun place to be.
Between the lights, smoke machines and loud music in the "sanctuary" and the kids playing in the kids' rooms, the coffee shop and the kids music room with all the fun instruments and noise makers, its a fun place to be.

OT: When you say lights do you mean strobe lights? If so, please tell me people are warned. People can be really impacted and so many places don't tell you they're coming.
Well, they shouldn't. Jaden just spent his 21st birthday, not partying, not living it up but feeding the homeless. I would say being "raised by the power of Will" has turned out a pretty good kid.

And that's certainly admirable. I was talking more of his weird tweets and how they never went to school.
OT: When you say lights do you mean strobe lights? If so, please tell me people are warned. People can be really impacted and so many places don't tell you they're coming.

Oh no. The background on the stage has neons and they used different colored lights and other stage lights. They are careful to make it good for everyone.
Actually, the toddler had no diaper on at all. You could see his ***** so closely that people were commenting on circumcision.

With all the sick people in this world (including the people commenting on circumcision), why on earth would you post a picture of a child's private parts? I imagine that went into some gross child pornographer's permanent file. You just don't post a picture of your child's *****.

She did erase it, of course with a big, tough F Bomb tirade. How very Pink of her:cutie:

Seems to me the people that are oh so worried about seeing a toddler's body parts ARE some of the sickos. She loves her kids and posts pictures no different than the rest of the world. I see baby pictures with kids in bathtubs all the time. Should they be shamed for it?

Perverts roam the earth, not much any of us can do about it. And they don't all look for pictures of kids body parts. Some are just as peverted over a simple school pictures of a child. Should no one ever post anything? No one has control over what the rest of the world does, I just can't see being paranoid about it.
I don't know much about this whole incident but I'm kinda tired of just seeing stuff labeled as "___ shamed" and gah "clap back" is just annoying too. It's not because what it is it's because trends like this often get mass applied to everything out there.
If it bugged you that much, you could change the channel or stop reading the article.
I actually do get what the other poster is meaning.

I don't even read the articles, because I have no interest to, but I use the News and Weather app on my phone a lot for news. I also use Google News. And then there's FB scrolling of course. All of those it's easy to see just the headlines (which are always attempting eye catching): "__ (person's name) was ____ (whatever shaming was done) shamed; but what til you hear (or see) their epic (or whatever adjective) clap back"

I don't know that it's one specific celebrity over another though just a lot of that sort of 'news' headlines.

Now I'm not saying it bugs me just saying how one can see the trends without actually reading nor caring about them lol.
Seems to me the people that are oh so worried about seeing a toddler's body parts ARE some of the sickos. She loves her kids and posts pictures no different than the rest of the world. I see baby pictures with kids in bathtubs all the time. Should they be shamed for it?

Perverts roam the earth, not much any of us can do about it. And they don't all look for pictures of kids body parts. Some are just as peverted over a simple school pictures of a child. Should no one ever post anything? No one has control over what the rest of the world does, I just can't see being paranoid about it.

Nothing is wrong with your run of the mill baby bathtub pics — and typically those don’t show private parts. However, I would still keep pictures like those offline. Especially for someone in the public eye who has a huge following. Why tempt a perv? Sure, they may be content with just wanting pics of a clothed child, but pedophile busts we hear about in the news are with thousands of pictures of nude children. As a mom, I wouldn’t risk it.

I don’t think anyone should be shamed for it, but nothing is wrong with wanting to protect a child.
I actually do get what the other poster is meaning.

I don't even read the articles, because I have no interest to, but I use the News and Weather app on my phone a lot for news. I also use Google News. And then there's FB scrolling of course. All of those it's easy to see just the headlines (which are always attempting eye catching): "__ (person's name) was ____ (whatever shaming was done) shamed; but what til you hear (or see) their epic (or whatever adjective) clap back"

I don't know that it's one specific celebrity over another though just a lot of that sort of 'news' headlines.

Now I'm not saying it bugs me just saying how one can see the trends without actually reading nor caring about them lol.

It's just the modern version of seeing tabloids in the checkout line.
Nothing is wrong with your run of the mill baby bathtub pics — and typically those don’t show private parts. However, I would still keep pictures like those offline. Especially for someone in the public eye who has a huge following. Why tempt a perv? Sure, they may be content with just wanting pics of a clothed child, but pedophile busts we hear about in the news are with thousands of pictures of nude children. As a mom, I wouldn’t risk it.

I don’t think anyone should be shamed for it, but nothing is wrong with wanting to protect a child.
About 15 years ago, my oldest posted either photos or videos of her one year old siblings wearing diapers (I don’t remember the platform, no longer exists), and I noticed it was viewed over 1000 times. I immediately took it down.
Nothing is wrong with your run of the mill baby bathtub pics — and typically those don’t show private parts. However, I would still keep pictures like those offline. Especially for someone in the public eye who has a huge following. Why tempt a perv? Sure, they may be content with just wanting pics of a clothed child, but pedophile busts we hear about in the news are with thousands of pictures of nude children. As a mom, I wouldn’t risk it.

I don’t think anyone should be shamed for it, but nothing is wrong with wanting to protect a child.

They weren't wanting to protect her child. They were wanting to shame her. She is quite capable of protecting her child, she has done it before from paparazzi.

A perv seeing a child's picture online somewhere is not the same thing as knowing when and where to find a particular child. And a child as protected as those of a celebrity is not truly in danger. Besides how many times has it been said over and over and over, more children are kidnapped, molested , or abused by someone they know than by someone they don't know so the chance is much much greater for a child to be molested by Uncle Joe Bob than by a random perv on the internet.
Not really, the Today Show has pop start about Tiegan all the time. I’m not consuming it on purpose except for the fact I watch the Today Show. I was totally over the top in saying micro-thought, but pretty much everything she does bugs me so I feel like I know way too much. :rolleyes: (ETA, esp when I read USA Today article on her eating her placenta. Why do I need to know this? I’ll admit, I did read that on purpose because dh sent the link to me because he needed someone to be grossed out with.)

Paltrow I haven’t seen in a while except when I saw her with Tom Hanks on Graham Norton Show. I see stuff about her on Facebook - she was being sued for her “healing crystals” that did nothing. I just really couldn’t handle her when she said she worked harder than a single mom with two jobs. So again, like Tiegan, when I see her my annoyance meter goes up.
If the Today show has time to talk about Pink's instagram, maybe the Today show should shorten its length. Or spend more time on real news, like protests of Moscow's city elections.

I watch The Today Show every morning and have never heard mention of Pink or Chrissy Tiegan. Then again I typically watch for the news and I turn it off and head to work right after Hoda's Morning Boost which is about an hour and ten minutes after the show starts and the news just repeats and they start in with the human interest stories and infotainment stuff.


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