Mom of teens

Earning My Ears
Nov 29, 2000
I just visited the web site and guess what I found, tons of pictures just inserted into there web site. The rooms, the pool area even the slide!!!! Just go to the main page and enter thru Hard Rock hotel is open.The photos must of been taken on a cloudy day but everything looks soooo cool. Bars and fountains made of quitars!!! I am going back to check it out some more. ENJOY!! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

Mom of teens
I have been dying to see some pictures of the HRH I gave up looking for pictures on their site. Thank you for the updated info.
Yah weve all been waiting. I was on the site yesterday&nothing. Thanks for the tip. The waterslide looks like its a good size, anybody know how long it is.
I've been waiting since thursday for these photos!! :D :D

The pool looks great and the Bars look good too (Not that I will spend much time in them of course! ;) )

Only 206 days to go!


Thanks for the info! The pictures look fabulous. Tomorrow will be a year since we last left for Orlando - I wish we were going back tomorrow! :(
I am leaving for my Florida vacation on the 31st. We are booked for Feb. 4th at the HRH. I will take many many photos. If anyone can give me the know how, I will post as many as I can. I just am clueless as to how. Thanks again to everyone here with all of your helpful information. I love it!!

P.S. This mom0f3 is not taking her kids!
THANK YOU Thank You thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been visiting that site for a while now waiting for photos and had given up. Thanks for the update!!


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