Picture Frame Shelves


...what was the meaning of the big white glove?
Nov 8, 2003
I cannot find them! It's a shelf that you lay pictures on against the wall so you don't have to put new holes into the wall with every new picture. Does anyone know where I can find one?

Thank you! I found some on their website. What sizes do you have and how many shelves do you have displayed? I'm not good at decorating at all!
You won't believe this, but I found a box of shelves similar to what you described at Ekerds Drug store! The boxes had two shelves and 6 different sized frames (three per shelf). Nice wood. Assorted colors. They were on clearance for $9! What a deal! I wish I had bought more. It looks just like the ones out of the high end stores. Oh they had some nice shadow boxes too. I picked up a few for a song there too.

I was so surprised! I was there for prescriptions and was just browsing while waiting for my order to be filled.

I don't know the sizes, but I have the smaller one above the larger. Do you get the Pottery Barn catalog? They have some good ideas on placement. :)
I have two shelves they are the same size - about a foot and I placed them like this



edit to add: they are supposed to be staggered - didn't post like it looked


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