Photos from our First Christmas in Disney Vacation

Hi Michelle, I am enjoying all your pictures! I was up to about 225 when the page became unavailable, so I'll try again later. Reminded me of our trip over NY's, seeing all the decorations and the show at the Castle Forecourt, again. Thanks for posting the link! :)
I loved all the pics. We were there 12/22-12/29 at AKL.

Did you like CBR? We will be staying there in March. Your pics of the room look nice.
This was our second time staying at CBR. We stayed there in 1997, when John proposed to me. We really enjoyed this resort! It's so bright and cheery, and the theming is wonderful! You'll love it!
I loved your pics,looks like you had a grt time!I need to go waaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Thanks for sharing your pics!! We were there the weekend before you were-- and it was cloudy. Needless to say, your pics of the decorations on Main St. were better than ours!

Ok, so the "my husband, my love" thing was a little hokey, but you can be forgiven since you're still in the first year of marriage. ;)
Ok, so the "my husband, my love" thing was a little hokey, but you can be forgiven since you're still in the first year of marriage.

LOL! John and I have always been a "cute couple" and, well, we are newlyweds. :D
Ok, so the "my husband, my love" thing was a little hokey, but you can be forgiven since you're still in the first year of marriage.

LOL! John and I have always been a "cute couple" and, well, we are newlyweds. :D
One more thing--

Did that bald eagle get a *standing ovation*!?


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