Phone Number for HRH to book Entertainment Rate?

The Mystery Machine

Sunrise at my house. :+)
Jan 4, 2001
I am assuming I just call HRH and ask for the Entertainment Rate of 119.00. We are planning June 2001. I don't have the Entertainment book yet but will buy it if I can get that rate.

2001- (maybe HRH)& CBR in June
I made reservation at the HRH and got the Entertainment rate by calling 1-800-232-7827 press 2, ask for the Entertainment rate. I got 2 rooms, Garden view at a rate of $117.50 ea. For Thanksgiving weekend (3 nights)2001. :)
I just booked HRH for 129/pool view. I am starting to breathe easier. Our plan is 2 days at HRH before we head into WDW for 5 days at CBR.

2001- HRH/CBR in June :D :D :D
I haven't received my Entertainment book yet, but I called and made my ressie. They just said I would have to show the card upon check in.

<font color=green>I gotta go where there ain't any snow....</font>


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