Perfect Cruise Wear


<font color=green>I shall call him Mini-Me<br><fon
Nov 22, 1999
Tony and I just found some perfect cruise wear for our upcoming three-peat (or at least perfect if you have the kind of sense of humor that we do). We just got back from the Titanic exhibit here in Chicago, and of course we HAD to get Titanic t-shirts to wear at embarkation! It's a little scary how similar the color schemes of the two ships are. If the exhibit comes to your town, I highly recommend it. They give you a card at the beginning with a person's name, and at the end you check the wall to see if they survived. I made fun of Tony the whole way because he was Ismey, the head of the cruise line who is well known for pushing the women and children out of the way to make it to a lifeboat! They also have a giant block of ice where you see how long you can keep your hand on represents how cold the water was. Great exhibit...makes me glad that there are no icebergs anywhere near the Disney ships.
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Barb, had the Titanic exhibit here in Seattle and we LOVED it!
Love the movie, love the documentrys...My masterbath IS the Titanic , complete with ship bell and wooden model, I have a mermaid like ship front lady with a replica of the heart of the ocean lecklace on! Your Shirts will be GREAT!
Yes it was a great exhibit. Loved it when it was here in Phoneix Az. What a great idea for boarding the ship. Wished I had know I was going on a cruise soon. I think I would have gotten a shirt.
titanic shirts for embarkation.....funny......

well guess what.....i called DCL to see if we could already reserve a cruise in 2005.....nope.....they're up to april 2004 so far....
so i'll have to wait...(2005 is the earliest we're all available)...
Where's a pic?
Actually since I havent found any ship shirts (except our NCL shirts) I was thinking of having the 3 of us wear our orange Tigger t-shirts. That would make it easier to find each other in the port.
We went on the Wonder in April. On the drive to the port, I said to DW that I had something to tell her, but it had to wait until we were on the ship. After lunch at Parrot Cay, I said "Do you know what today is?"
It is April 14 - the 90th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.
Too bad I didn't have one of those t-shirts!
Technically, she sank on the 15th (2:20 AM). She hit the iceberg on the 14th (11:40 PM).

Yeah, I'm that anal...
Hey Barb, what Museum in Chicago is the exhibit at? We are going to Chicago for Labor Day weekend and DD would love to see it (she loved the movie). Thanks.
HI Barb,

Sounds like excellent cruisewear! Did I read that the Titanic exhibit is at the Museum of Science and Industry? Do you happen to know how long it will be there it age level appropriate for 7th graders? I'm trying to see if this might make a field trip for my GS troop...

I can appreciate your sense of humor but I am sure that you will get some double takes on your shirts:) We just moved to Illinois and have been wanting to go see the Titanic exhibit before it leaves Chicago so hopefully we can get a babysitter for our two boys and get a chance to go.
I think that the exhibit is at the Museum of Science and Industry until January, 2003. We did a special museum members viewing, so it wasn't quite as crowded as normal. It would definitely be a great experience for 7th graders. We saw many children there, and most seemed to enjoy it...some of the younger ones got a little impatient, and one poor little girl was afraid of the recreation of the nighttime promenade deck (personally, that was my favorite part...reminded me of being on my verandah stargazing on the Wonder). Most of it is looking at artifacts, but there is also some interaction. There is a woman playing Molly Brown in a stateroom recreation, and also two people in the area where they have a huge chunk of the hull who will answer your questions...I asked several, and they were very knowledgeable. Then there is the iceberg to touch and also the card that you get with a passenger's name so you can check on their fate at the end, and they have a piece of the actual hull that you can touch. You can even send a Titanic postcard to people via email!
In addition to our shirts, we bought a couple of souvenirs for two of our crew member friends...I hope they appreciate the humor!!
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Ok, Mary told me about this thread AFTER I replied to the other one.. Now I guess we're going down to the lakefront! :D

(oops we're travellng, Now I'm doing what you two do :p -Mark)
I was a survivor (Russian woman travelling to America to visit her brother-in-law)...husband was a casulty, so now I'm having an affair with Ismay!
Tony bought a may of the ship, and even though it was HUGE, there was very little space devoted to guest areas compared to what we are used to today...most was engines and storage.
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That map sure would be neat to see. It is fascinating to see how much space each cruise line devotes now to each use. Also, the propulsion systems are so much more efficient than they used to be, that is why one of the stacks on the DCL ships are fake.

Jan :earsgirl:
Thanks for the info Barb. My DD loves cruising, and of course all of my "girlies" have heard of the movie if not actually seen it. This sounds like a great outing.

I love the Titanic and I got a piece of coal from it. Well the shirts will be great. My Aunty said that she will not stay on the bottom of the DCL because of Titanic. Have fun on the cruise!
There is a permanent Titanic exhibit in Orlando. We saw it in June after our cruise. It was great! My 12 year old DS loved it. There are discount coupons in the Attractions guides.

Here is some information from a site I found on the Net:

Titanic Ship of Dreams
The Verdict
Basic Info
Boy will you be glad you flew to Orlando. The only permanent exhibit on the ill-fated liner, Titanic-The Expedition takes up where the film left off. Character actors tell the stories of those who survived and those who did not. You can stand at the bottom of a re-creation of the famous grand staircase and listen to tales from that night to remember. There are a lot of artifacts here to behold, many of them from more than two miles beneath the Atlantic.

Adults into the legend of the Titanic and children old enough to understand what happened will enjoy this living history approach. Young children however, may be engulfed by all the detail.

Location: 8445 International Drive
Telephone: (407) 248-1166

Parking Charge: No
Single Day Admission Price at the gate:
Adult: $17.97 plus tax
Child: $12.66 plus tax (3-9 yrs)


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