

Earning My Ears
Mar 30, 2001
My family (DH and DS,2) and I are going to WDW in
May 2002. DH and I have been several times (before
DS)and I am wondering if the Passporter will be beneficial to us ??? :rolleyes:
It is so handy to have everything in one place. Just write down phone number when you make ressie and all the info is there when you want to confirm. I ordered the deluxe binder this year. I plan to take out most of the "guts" and leave the maps/planning sheets/pockets in. Next year will be cheaper since it will just be the replacement information. When you register your passporter with the site, you get a coupon for 20% off. Best of all for those who don't trust the internet, you can order and pay by check as well.
I have been planning for our family's first WDW trip in May and I love my Passporter! Not only does it provide a TON of info, but it is a great organizer. Everything for our trip is in one place and the pockets in the back are so convenient. I have the Deluxe (ring binder) edition, so I can just order refills for our next trip. I highly recommend it! :cool:
I bought the Passporter a couple of months ago to plan my 7th trip. Although I have several other books, this is the one I am using this time. It is so handy to have everything in one place. There is plenty of room to write things down and lots of information that's organized in a way that's easy to find.

'75 off-site
'84 D.D.
'89 off-site
'96 CBR
'97 off-site
'99 Poly
next trip 8/01 at Beach Club
Last year was the first time I used the passporter to plan a trip, and I can honestly say I'll never try and plan a trip without one handy! The pockets make a great place to keep everything from E-ticket confirmations from the airlines to small souveniers (I put menus, maps and, after leaving, my drained park pass). I didn't actually carry the passporter to the parks with me, but when I got home at night I'd jot notes about what I did that day, what rolls of film I used, etc. I've NEVER been so organized in my life!
it was the best map!! the rent a car maps were bad!! and the ones you get for free don't show a complete picture!! Everything in WDW and Orlando is on the LEFT!! Go figure!

Everytime someone asks my answer is the same "yes" get it! From their direct website, it's cheaper too.

I got the original first as I was beginning to plan my trip. Quickly, I began to fill it with various maps, confirmation slips, plane tickets, etc. and noticed it would be quite heavy to carry around. I e-mailed Jennifer & Dave (the authors) and asked to return it for the difference and get the deluxe model instead so that I could remove the pockets, maps, etc. as needed on my trip and keep them separate for each day. The authors were great, no problem and I love the way you can keep all your prep materials in one location while making your plans.

Leaving in a few days, in fact, Jennifer and Dave, the authors of Passporter, will be in WDW the week of April 16th for AK Lodge opening and will meet you there if you want to according to the e-mail I received from them. Have fun on your trip! :D
Thank you all for all of your help.... I can't wait until my trip on May 2002 (too :( bad it isn't 2001)... I guess I will hop over to the Passporter site and get one...

Thank you again !!!
I used a passporter for our trip last year and loved it. I am now ordering a 2001 for this years trip, as it keeps everything so organized. We drive down from Pa and I can keep a log of our driving expenses, ect. without difficulty. We have a few other guides, but I love my passporter.


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