Passporter Coupons


Children are a blessing from the Lord!
Feb 28, 2001
I read a post that said the passporter has an $8 coupon for Tiffany Towncar in it. Does the passporter have any other coupons in it? I am trying to decide if it is worth the $$ and the more coupons it has in it that I can use the better I can justify the $$$ to my DH. :)


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Jun 97 - DxL (PO - Riverside)
May 01 - AKL
In my 2000 passporter the $8.00 coupon expires 06/01/2001. If the 2001 passporter has one it shouldn't expire until next year. The only other coupon is for a free "passporter pin" if you buy at least $15.00 of stuff from the passporter online store. I think the book is well worth it anyway!
Allthough I don't have a 2001 book yet I hope I helped.

While I think the Passporter is fine, I really don't feel it's any better than any of the other guidebooks. You can get a printable $5 coupon on your Tiffany Towncar off Tiffany's own web site, so I really don't see the Passporter coupon as any incentive to buy that book.
connected to a website with a planning Board and which also has several coupons including an $8.00 Tiffany coupon.

1st time we have ever really planned our trip and bought several books - the two most worthwhile were the PassPorter and the Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World - Both packed w/great info. The Tiffany Towncar coupon was a bonus.


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