Part 4: Adults acting like kids: Nov 8: Last day at Universal/IOA


<font color=royalblue>Oh, meow!!<br><img src=http:
Aug 29, 1999
Sunny, mid 80's

Me- 39, trip planner, roller coaster fanatic and stay at home mom
DH- 41, wonderful husband of 12 years

DH and I enjoy another lazy morning, arriving at Universal Studios around 10am. We chose to have breakfast at Beverly Hills Boulangerie. It’s on the right shortly after you enter through the gate. 2 coffees, ham/egg croissant and egg/cheese croissant came to $11.61. It was ok.

First stop was Men In Black. We rode twice and finally got our photo with us wearing our sunglasses. This was one of our favorite souvenirs from the entire trip. I see it every day and it always makes me smile. Our next stop was ET. The sign said 10 minutes so we didn’t bother using our fotl privilege. Big Mistake! It was about 25 minutes until we finally boarded the ride. The que inside is pretty neat but I spoiled by fotl. It’s a really cute ride but I forgot my dh had never seen the movie so it really didn’t mean anything to him! LOL! He gave me that ”I can’t believe you made me wait in line for that” look.

We stopped by the Brown Derby Hat Shop. It’s located across from T2-3D. There are all kinds of silly Hats. We had fun trying them on and laughing at each other. One of my favorites was the Viking helmet complete w/braids! They also have a very good selection of regular type hats too. Fun photo ops here!

We decide it’s time to finish our day at Universal and head to IOA.

We wandered to the Lost Continent and ended up in front of the magic fountain, again. Pat says I’m addicted to it! I can’t help it; I’m attracted to sarcasm. Make sure you get close enough to say “hello” to it!

We were just in time for the 12:30 show at Eight Voyage of Sinbad Show. Portofino guests and Universal Express people were seated in a special section. We were in the forth row, center. Very good seats. This is a high-energy stunt show FULL of corny jokes. For some reason I enjoyed this show more this time than when we came with the kids. Probably because I wasn’t in the splash zone.

Hunger pangs are starting to hit so we go to Confisco’s a for lunch. Pat had an open faced turnkey sandwich (very good) and I had the Muffaletta sandwich (excellent, salad blah), $ and 2 confisco concoctions $29 incl./tx.

We souvenir shopped a little in Lost Continent. We can’t leave without one (or 2) more rides on Dueling Dragons. You are not allowed to bring anything large or loose (think backpacks, cameras) on DD. There are free (for 1 hr) lockers near the entrance of the ride. They are easy to use and are very convenient.

We decide it’s time to say good bye to IOA. While walking through Toon Lagoon dh spotted Spiderman. He was just coming out for photos so there was no line yet. So naturally I accosted him and said “hi handsome, can you pose for a picture”?

Back at the Portofino we put our champagne on ice (we brought our own) and headed for the Jacuzzi. There are two I know of. One at the villa pool and one at the beach pool. The Villa Pool area was beautiful! Unfortunately the Jacuzzi there was closed but what an elegant setting.

The beach pool is really cool! At the zero depth end of the pool there’s a white sand “beach”. The deepest part of the pool is about 5ft and the water slide is incorporated into part of the man made rocks. Grabbed 2 margaritas ($15!) from the outdoor bar and hopped into the Jacuzzi, ahhhh! We had a great time talking to the other couples in there. Everyone said they loved the hotel and the parks. Before going back to our room we had to take a couple of runs down the pool water slide. It’s not very big but we found out if you lay on your back you come out at the end like a rocket! We laughed so hard people were looking at us.

After changing, we were hungry but neither of us felt like a sit down restaurant. We settled on ordering a pizza from Sal’s Deli ($11.61). I waited for it while my dh went to Mama Della’s to see if they would box up something for take out. They happily did so (took about 20 min) and Pat returned with a large antipasti and an order of timarasu ($15). Fortunately the pizza wasn’t ready yet so I ate the timarasu while I waited (lol). We took everything back to our room and had our champagne with our supper. Life doesn’t get much better than that.

Tomorrow morning we’re checking out early so we can spend a full day at Epcot, for the food and wine festival.
Renee, it sounds like you two had a marvelous day! Hope DH and I have as much fun. Do you know if Poseidon's offers special privileges for on site guests? Last time we went we were in the back and really did not enjoy it. I am anxious to try MIB, wasn't open last time. Any hints to pass on? I know DH and I will be compete on this and I need help! :)


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