Part 2: 5 night stay at HRH


Mar 16, 2001
So, where was I?
Monday night. We ate at NBA City. Fun place, and we were all pleasantly surprised by the excellent fare! DH and sons had NY Sirloin steak, they were loving it. DH said it was the best steak he had ever eaten (and believe me people, this man has has some steaks! ;) ) I had the vegetable pizza which was also excellent. We headed to Universal after dinner, this became our routine. DH & boys did Back to the Future. DH wasn't impressed, but boys loved this ride. We also did T2 show. This was my favorite show in either park. DH and boys liked Sinbad show at IOA better. Anyway, after just 1 1/2 days in parks with front of line entrance, we had done just about everything! We were psyched! We stayed for the 9:55 p.m. fireworks from Universal lagoon, then back to HRH to collapse and sleep like the dead.
Tuesday: Took the shuttle to Wet n Wild. Tip: They have breakfast food to go at the Sunset Grill. There's counter to your right as you enter. Very nice and convenient! Wet n Wild was fun, but it was crowded and the lines were long. We had already become spoiled at IOA and Universal, so this took some getting used to.
;) We stayed til about 3:00 p.m. and then took cab back to HRH rather than wait for scheduled shuttle (4:30 p.m.) Cost for cab: $6.00 plus tip.
Tuesday night we ate at Hard Rock Cafe. This became our favorite restaurant at City Walk. We have been to HR Cafe in NY City so knew what to expect. Our food was excellent, service was great and it's just a fun place to eat. We loved it. Have the pulled pork sandwich if you haven't already. My favorite. My 12 year old had "the best ribs I've ever eaten". They did look good!
Walked through doing whatever we may have missed, both parks tonight. Little shopping, it was very nice. Light crowds.
Wednesday: Seaworld. Missed the shuttle from HRH, because the bus driver hollered out "This bus is for Wet n Wild only". Wrong. Anyway, we just grabbed a taxi. (cost to taxi to Seaworld: $15.25). Our day at Seaworld was much fun. The sun was shining full blast, and it was hot. We all wore hats, sunglasses and slathered on the spf 45. We had gotten a lot of sun at Wet n Wild and needed a day off. The Clyde and Seamore show here was my favorite. We also saw the Shamu show, and the ski show. They were all excellent. Seaworld was really a great experience for us all. The shark exhibit was my boys favorite. I liked the show about the manatees. It was all great! We caught the shuttle this time back to HRH. Got ready for dinner since I had made ressies for Margaritaville for 6 p.m. We were seated immediately. This was a fun place, the volcano erupted while we were there. Very cool. Had some great drinks here. The Havanas & Bananas, and the Mudslide. Very tasty. I ordered the Nachos which were heaping and excellent! Boys all had burgers. Everybody was happy w/food here. Matter of fact, we just loved City Walk. No complaints anywhere, ever.

So, tomorrow I will post closing, part 3. Hope these entries aren't too long or boring anybody out there.... Bye for now, Patti
They are not boring at all, and I am looking forward to your last installment. What were the fireworks like?
Hi Donna,
The fireworks show was very good. The best place to watch would be at the end of the lagoon closest to exit. That way, you are not turning your head back and forth. They spray fireworks straight up from the lagoon, and there are also fireworks in sky at far end of lagoon. A grand end to any day!
Patti - I just wanted to say I'm enjoying your reports :)

We will be there next week and really looking forward to it. Your family seems to have similar eating tastes as me and my boyfriend, so your restaurant descriptions/reviews are great!

How long did you spend at Sea World? Did you get to see everything in that time? Was it hard to schedule all of the shows in?

Thanks for posting :D

Offsite - 1991
Port Orleans - December 1999
Wilderness Lodge - April 2000
All Star Movies - July 2000
All Star Sports - August 2000
All Star Movies/Hard Rock Hotel- April 2001
Polynesian - June 2001
All Star Movies - November
First of all: Great trip report. My wife, 12yr old son & I also stayed at HRH (26-30 March). and couldn't agree more with your fine comments. On our third day there, the 3 of us just made it into Margaritaville for lunch before a severe squal line hit the park. All rides were closed down, the sky was black, high winds, heavy driving rains and much thunder & lightning. What we didn't know was that the volcano in Margaritaville was about to erupt. Actually, we didn't even know about the volcano and were loo king for a place to weather out the storm & have a timely lunch. The sound sytem in Margaritaville is very good & realistic... which just added to the very loud thunder and downpour from outside. We really didn't know what was going on, but after a couple days in the park, I seemed like we were on another ride, or was this real and the roof was about to come off the place? All the while sipping margaritas and great food made this a memorable event in our stay!< <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz"> :
Your reports are very interesting and fun to read. I like your descriptions of where you ate too.
Thanks everyone for your kind words!
I hope you all have as much fun on vacation as we did. :D


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