Park & Show Schedules the week prior to Labor Day?


DIS Veteran
Jan 29, 2004
Trying to plan out our days, so I can be already to get PS in a few days.

Regardings shows like Fantasmic, Illuminations, Wishes, Spectromagic - will these be daily in August-Septmeber, week before Labor Day? I seem to remember Spectro was only Tues & Sat in May/June? Help!
I'm waiting too. Unfortunately, we won't find out the hours, etc. until the beginning of June. This really sucks because I had to start making my PS's yesterday, just going on last year's times. I probably will have to change some of them when the times come out. I don't know why they don't release the park hours 90 days in advance. If you can make PS's 90 days in advance, it helps to know the park hours.


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