Package Quote..DU vs WDW Travel


Earning My Ears
Apr 5, 2001
Just tried this for the heck of it...not planning to go until 12/02 and there are no quotes available for that time period as yet.
Any who....checked out the above 2 agencies...same package...same dates...same hotels...
DU quote was $2394.....WDW quote was $3516
Neither quote was confirmed..just calculated...can the discrepancy really be that large for the SAME package??...Anyone have similar experiences??? :eek:
Heres Why, Disney adds trip insurance,and Ticket prices,and the features add to the extra costs. Also Disney doesn't calculate things the cheapest way possable!!They calculate Per Person not per room.

I have a package reserved through WDW Travel, and the other day I clicked the link on the home page here for DU and got the exact same price for my package. Like the poster before me though, if you don't want travel insurance, you must uncheck the box and click recalculate. Other than that, I don't know what your differences were because the travel insurance isn't NEAR that much.

DU might have been applying discounts they anticipate for that time - WDWTC doesn't give you anything without a secret password!!

Disney Wonder - 1st Time December 16, 2001
The DU and WDW quotes were for 8 days/7 nites at CBR with the Discovery Magic plan. Did not add airfare to either calculation.
I did this three separate times because I had such a hard time believing that the difference could be so large!!
Thanks for your input. <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">
When you did the WDW quote, did you click for the complete package (which includes airfare and ground transfers along w/travel insurance) or the custom package where you can be more specific and eliminate what you don't want? Maybe that's the difference. I recently got quotes from WDW and DU, and DU was $65 more. They said it was because they figured in travel insurance and that WDW probably didn't; however, WDW DID, so I don't know why DU was a little more (not enough to really matter though since you would get a lot of assistance from them if needed)...Michele


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