<p>ACT VI: MGM and The Jedi Mind Meld.</p>


<font color=red>aka Evil Emperor Zurg<br><font col
Nov 19, 2000
<bgsound src="http://members.home.net/dunlapsdisney/monoral_announce.wav" loop="1">

Hi It's me again, <a href="http://members.home.net/bad-shoe/images/zurg_2.jpg">Evil Emperor Zurg</a>, your narrator.

The cast includes Zurgswife, Kelley 10, a pair of Buzzes 8 and 7 (but the younger buzz wants to be Quail Kid), and Her Royal Majesty Delaney - Snow White - Cinderella - Jessie - Maleficent (DSWCJM) 3.
Our Prior acts:

<a target="_blank" href="">ACT I. Cinderella didn't start off living in a Castle either.</a><br>
<a target="_blank" href="">ACT II. Into every life a little rain must fall.</a><br>
<a target="_blank" href="">ACT III Who's the Blond?</a><br>
<a target="_blank" href="">ACT IV: Snow White & the leather clad Pagens</a><br><a target="_blank" href=""><br>
ACT V: Faster than a speeding bullet.</a>
<a target="_blank" href="">
ACT VI: MGM and The Jedi Mind Meld.</a>

ACT VII: Temporarily Experiencing Systems Troubles TRACK and the One That Got Away

We were on our way to the <a href="http://wdwig.com/fantdin.htm">Fantasmic Dinner deal at Holllywood & Vine</a>. It had been a stressful day. Zurg's camcorder had tried to bounce on Main Street. Down it went off the stroller but it didn't bounce back. (Zurg now knows <a href="http://maps.yahoo.com/py/ddResults.py?Pyt=Typ&addr=2101+N+Epoct+Resorts+Blvd&city=Orlando&state=FL&zip=32820&country=us&slt=28.366700&sln=-81.554000&cs=9&newcountry=us&taraddr=8350+S+Orange+Blossom+Trl&tarcity=Orlando&tarstate=FL&tarzip=32809&newtcountry=us&tlt=28.4444&tln=-81.4026&tcs=9&tarname=Best+Buy&tardesc=(407)+855-6114">Best Buy is 25 minutes from Boardwalk</a>.) In the morning we had been touring the parks with friends who were total WDW rookies and got cash sucked out of them at every possible turn. Slowing down Zurg's <a href="http://users.erols.com/loriryan/cadence.html">marching cadence</a> is bad enough, unfortunately the cash flow was a reaction to whining. Cumulatively it was wearing the shine off Zurg's sparkling personality.

<a href="http://members.home.net/dunlapsdisney/images/halloween/con_buzz.jpg">BuzzII</a> was holding off the whining and consumerism and for this Zurg was grateful. He really wanted to go to Doug Live and be Quail Kid. If dinner was fast we may be able to squeeze it in. Zurg has noticed that the time dinner takes and the food's quality of the are directly related. We had plenty of time for Doug.

Let me digress, During our <a href="http://members.home.net/dunlapsdisney/halloween.htm">Halloween pilgrimage</a> to WDW Zurg had been cast as one of the Beats in Doug Live. At the time the Buzzes had wanted him on stage, so Zurg used the Jedi mind trick on the CM.

<b>Zurg waves his hand slightly and says quietly,</b> "Next I would like the man in the purple hat to come up here."
<b>CM on stage,</b> "Next I would like the man in the purple hat to come up here." Sucker.

Well that and on the theory that they were looking for someone to make a fool of, Zurg had donned his <a href="http://members.home.net/dunlapsdisney/images/halloween/zurg_sew_small1.JPG">Zurg hat and cape</a> to let casting know making a public spectacle of him isn't too hard. Evil Emperors get picked, what can I say, it is a perk of the job.

<b>CM to Zurg on stage,</b> "Nice hat. What is your name and where are you from sir?"
<b>Zurg. </b>"Evil Emperor Zurg, <a href="http://members.home.net/bad-shoe/images/map.jpg">Planet Z - Sector 9</a>.
<b>CM,</b> "Ahhhhh… OK."

It wasn't crowded this trip. "Please move three quarters of the way across the theater…" Zurg doesn't hear that too often. Zurg started doing the Jedi Mind Trick again, also he put the <a href="http://members.home.net/dunlapsdisney/images/Funny/P1010077.JPG">Zurg hat on Buzz II</a> and had him to jump around like a manic, (i.e. behave normally for him.) It nearly backfires as <a href="http://members.home.net/dunlapsdisney/images/halloween/blairbuzz.jpg">Buzz I</a> is almost picked but Zurgswife is able to direct the CM with her eyes. (If Zurg was using the Jedi Mind Trick, Zurgswife Eye Trick was more akin to the death star.)

Buzz II <a href="http://members.home.net/dunlapsdisney/quail_kid.htm">becomes Quail Kid, underpants on the outside, cape and dopey head gear. </a> Zurg would have been thrilled if it weren't for the saving the world part

<b>CM to Buzz II,</b> " What's your name and where are you from?"
<b>BuzzII,</b> "Connor, <a href="http://www.brynathyncathedral.org/">Bryn Athyn PA</a>."
<b>CM,</b> "Ahhhhh… OK."

The way Zurg see it if your going to be from somewhere no one ever heard of it may as well be <a href="http://members.home.net/bad-shoe/buzz_2_14.JPG">planet Z</a>.

ACT VII: <b><font size="5">T</font></b><font size="1">emporarily</font> - <b><font size="5">E</font></b><font size="1">xperiencing </font>- <b><font size="5">S</font></b><font size="1">ystems</font> -<b><font size="5">T</font></b><font size="1">roubles </font><b><font size="5">Track</font></b>
LOL, LOL, LOL!!!! Your trip reports are just so much fun to read. Rubbed the shine off your sparkling personality??? I'm ROFLOL here!

Ok, first of all, before I read even one word of your post, I have to tell you THANKYOU for the audio of the tram. I clicked on the link to open part 6 and heard that phrase and I grinned so hard I giggled. What GREAT memories you brought back to our one and only Disney trip. Oh I cant wait to go again........:p :jester: :) :D :pinkbounc :smooth: ;)

Now, on to the report!!!
I'm thoroughly enjoying reading your trip reports and clicking on all the links is very entertaining! The monorail recording sure brings back memories. I'm really looking forward to your experience on T*E*S*T Track!! :bounce:
I love your trip reports. In fact, they are the best trip reports I have read during my 3 month addiction to the Dis. The monorail sound bite makes me ROTFL. When is your next WDW trip? I can hardly wait to read more of your trip reports. Thanks for the entertainment. Pamela
Oh, please, bring on more of these! So funny! I'm printing them out for my dh...
awesome report I'm ROFL once again....Keep writing more. Your old ones were awesome to....:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


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