Our wonderful $500 vacation!


Earning My Ears
Sep 9, 2000
Thanks to this board, My husband and I just got back from a short but very sweet time (19-23 of this month) at Disney. At Priceline, we paid $30 a night plus Amex bonus money for a room at the Hyatt which we were very pleased with. $19 a day for a Hertz economy rental car and the " piece de resistance"... $100 each for round trip tickets from Allentown,PA to MCO(we hate Newark which is about the same distancefrom us in NJ) Eating a huge breakfast at Ponderosa every morning kept us going until late afternoon and that was $3.99. We had some old tickets so we did'nt have that expense but still, I think we did really well. We neeeded a vacation really badly as I've been diagnosed with leukemia and am facing a bone marrow transplant in a couple of months. I love WDW so much, and we would not have been able to go were it not for the people and their hints on this forum...thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!
That's quite a budget accomplishment! Isn't Priceline great? I'm glad you were able to enjoy a little getaway with your husband.

I hope your bone marrow transplant will be very successful. May you and your husband take many more budget trips to WDW. :)
Oh thanks for all of the advice. My family and I are debating about not staying on Disney property this time. How did you like the Hilton? Did they have any shuttle service? Please let me know. Also, I hope everything goes well with the transplant. My niece has Aplastic Anemia and has been undergoing experimental treatments at NIH in Maryland. So I kind of know what you are going through. By the way love the username!!!

Thanks for your help!!

Hi disneydiane,

Wow! Sounds like you had a great trip at a great price!

Good luck in the upcoming months. I wish you all the best.

Susan :)
Congrats--sounds like a great trip--those prices make it even sweeter!
All the best to you and your family.
I am sitting in my kitchen reading this, and just read your post to my hustband. Congratulations on having such a great trip. More importantly though, the best of everything in the next few months. We will keep you in our prayers. Fight hard! It is a battle that CAN be won.

Glad you had a good trip. Lots of Pixie Dust and Prayers for return to good health soon. I was complaining about having the flu. Hope to see a post from you about your celebration trip. Bless You.
I love to hear about such nice vacations for such an outstanding price! Thanks for the tip about Ponderosa-sounds perfect for our family to start the day! I wish you the very best with treatment in the next few months~ Robin
That's quite a deal you got from priceline! I'm so glad you had a nice getaway with your hubby.....and many more! Best of luck to you in the months ahead. You go girl!

I had to read this to find out when I took my $500 vacation! LOL! :D

Congratulations on such a great deal. Best of luck with your treatments!!


Hi diane! A BIG congratulations on having a "budget" vacation!!! You did very well!

Yes we too love the Ponderosa for a BIG breakfast! LOL

Also my prayers will be with you in your battle with your health! :0) ;)
Thanks so much to every contributor on this board, both for the tips and the encouraging words...it warms my heart! Someone asked how we liked the Hyatt and I must say we were happy with it. It has a business traveler feel to it; coffeemaker and two coffee cups in the room, daily newspaper, etc. But it is extremely close to the Disney exit; a mile and a half away. Clean, comfortable and convenient. We got an inner hallway and a courtyard view that we requested. By the way, if anyone wants to add me to their prayers I would certainly deeply appreciate it! Thanks again everyone! Love you all!
I had no idea it was even POSSIBLE to spend only 500$ on a trip to DW!! Very cool.......

and I've added you to my prayers! What a great positive sounding spirit you have......that should certainly help carry you thru some down days.
Wishing you the best and another trip to DW in the near future *after your treatments* to celebrate your good health!


Hi DisneyDiane, I never thought a trip to Disney for $500.00 would be possible. These boards have sure helped me out in planning my past and future trips. So often I've thought of going on a little trip to WDW and have thought it would be way too much of an expense for a couple of days but, reading your post has showed me it is possible and so when I get that feeling again next time I'll be sure to remember it is possible.

Good luck in the upcoming months, you are in my prayers! :)
disneydiane, that's my kind of trip. Congratulations!

Your upbeat attitude is an inspiration--and I am sure it will serve you well. You and your family will be in my prayers!
You are definitely in my prayers. I love that you sound so upbeat. I can't wait to read all about your plans for your next vacation!

wishin' on a star in Texas...

Wow what a trip price. I will have to try priceline next time! Me and the hubby are going to DW for a short get away trip in March because I have had a bad year battling Crohns Disease, so I can understand wanting to get away and be entertained and forgetting about health issues. You are an inspiration to me and I will think about you often during our trip!! You are in our prayers and know that with that spirit and all of these prayers your next trip will be a celebration trip!!!


I am also so impressed with all the kindness of the people on these boards!!

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