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I know there are discount codes out there, I have learned lots from reading from the discussion forums. This is our first time to WDW. We are very excited, well --- ok I'm the excited one and am doing all the research too, but LOVE to read about WDW. We have reservations booked at Music during Feb 1-8, 2003. Of course price they gave us now is $120.08 incl. tax. Now we are purposly booking "Off-season" and am hoping to get the off-season rate when new rates come out. Has this happened to any one else? anyway when can I start looking and using discount codes, or can't I now that I have my room booked. I also hear all these other people getting great rates at moderate hotels, HOW?????? Any help would be great. Thanks.
:) Mogs30,

It sounds like we'll be in Disney during the same month! We are planning on going sometime in the month of February, but not sure which dates. This is our first trip as a family (my DH and I both went as children, but don't remember much). When we go our children will be 8 (DS) and 5 (DD). I think it will be great! I too am trying to figure out if I should book something in the park, should I do it now, will there be better rates closer to the end of the year? I don't want to do the "wrong" thing. I called today about the All-Star resorts and they quoted me, for a preferred room, 109 plus tax. Is that what you got too? I would love ANY information about when to book, how to book and where to get the best discounts!

Thank you!
Hello, nice to see someone else going around same time we are. We got quoted the same rate you did. $109//$122.08 with tax which is very expensive I think for a value resort. I have talked to the hotel people and most have given me some hint that the rate should go down when the new rates come out this summer. June I think they said. I am hoping for $97.44 for night, this includes tax. So we will see. We are going off-season so should go down. I am also very excited about planning our first trip. Talk about it all the time, and I'm driving my DH crazy. You are in right place to find answers to anything you want to know about WDW. There is tons of info that I found on this site, thanks to the knowledgable members on these boards. I have reservations made at hotel, hopper passes bought and the itenerary made of where we want to eat and know when I will need to make PS reservatiosn. Have fun planning, I'm having a ball. There will be 9 of us going, oldest 59, youngest is 7, along with a 10 year old and 11 year old. We all can't wait. Congrats on this being your first post, you will have lots more after this I'm sure. have Fun :) PS: I'm from Minnesota :) You will find people from ALL over the world on these sites.
After re-reading your post and mine, I never really answered your questions. I guess as soon as you know what days your going, I would book the room. They fill up quick from what I have heard. It only costs you a night stay deposit, but can cancel it too. Up to 48 hours I think?? the number you can call is the "CRO" Central reservation office 1-407-934-7639. Let them know which hotel you are interested in going too. We are in at All star Music. Not sure really why choose that one, guess I just read more good things about that one than Movies, and Sports just didn't interest me. Ta ta for now. :)
If I do book the hotel room at one of the All-stars at the quoted price (109) and I find a better deal will they let me change it to the cheaper price???
I'm almost afraid of "planning" because I don't want to make a purchase and then want to kick myself in the butt later when I find it cheaper. Mogs30 did you get your hopper passes from one of the discount sites (www.ticketmania.com)?

Is February and March considered a "peak time" even though Easter isn't until April 20th next year??

If you find the hotel cheaper later after you book your reservation, you can - cancel out old reservation for new one, but don't cancel old reservation till your new one is made. I think discount codes will come out for that time in late fall too. (Keeping fingers crossed), and if discount codes come out, I think we can put them towards our exsisting rooms. downside if you wait, you might not get into the hotel you want. Upside, I have heard people asking for rooms at value resorts, and they upgrade you to a "Moderate" one since the hotel you are requesting is full. I am pretty sure we will get the lower rate during "Off-season". If you go and look up the resorts you are interested in. They will show you this years rates, kind of judge from them when you would like to go next year. I am purposely choosing to go "Off-season" and pulling the kids out of school, cuz money does matter to us, and every little bit helps. Also Crowds--my DH hates HUGE crowds and we have heard that beginning of Feb will be ok for crowds. I have friends that are Triple A members and we purchased our tickets through them. $222.00 for Adult. Disney store is selling them for $230.02. I guess I wouldn't worry about being stuck!, you can always cancel. Hopper passes are good for EVER until you use the days, so those are good anytime you go. :)
I looked up rates for you. these are for PREFERRED rooms.

Value Season goes -1-1 thru 2-13 $87.00 night

Regular season goes 4-21-8-24 $109.00 a night

Peak season 2-14 thru 4-20 $119.00

So I guess if you are going over Peak season, then your rate will probably go UP!! for a preferred room.

I just looked at dates during time you were interested in going, later in fall like Oct are also value season rates. If you are a triple A member they also give discounts on rooms too. Wouldn't hurt to check into. Hope this helps. TTFN: :) PS: I did read someplace that if you started your vacation during "Value Season"< and then the dates changed to "Regular Season" you would still get the value season rate. Same goes for Regular season into Peak. BUT if your dates change from say--Regular season to Value season, then they do NOT go down unless you cancel old reservation during that time and make new one. Hope I didn't confuse you to much.
Dagney(or anyone who can help), I'm a new log on to the site. Can you explain these discount codes that i've been reading about. Saw alot of good things on this discussion board but not sure how to access them. Also, I'm looking for some buddies since I'm new to the site...ANYONE NEED A NEW FRIEND.

Dagney, have a great trip. The polynesian is beautiful. Did you get any good discounts ? Tell us all about it when you get back

Have Fun...We Know You Will

I am interested in the Budget discount rate for the Ranger listed on the budget page. We are travelling January 03. I have called twice and tried the website but they don't recognize this discount code. What am I doing wrong? Is the code only good thru 2002?
Thank you,
For those of you asking about applying a code discount to an existing reservation, yes they will do it. I just had it done this past weekend. It took me 4 calls to find a CM that said it could be done so keep trying. After I got the new total (which saved me $912.00 on 16 nights , room only in a FW cabin)I wrote it down and called again the next morning. I told them I forgot my total , could they please tell me what it is. They did and it was the same discounted rate they told me the day before so now I know the dicscount is logged in my ressie. Keep looking for codes that may apply to you. They can be found on Mousesavers.com. Also if you are not a member of The Disney Club join! For the cost of $39.95 a year I got another Disney club discount of $569.00 on the same trip. My total savings came to $1508.00


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