Our next trip will be 12 days..Is this too long?



We've always gone for 8 days, but our next trip will be including Universal, and the Space Station. I'm worried that it is a little too long, but am unwilling to cut my "Disney"time if you know what I mean. We have a 10 year old son, and I guess I'm worried that everyone will be burnt out on theme parks. Any tips for a trip this long?
It's never too long!!!! Think of how relaxing it's going to be!!! You won't have to go commando!!!!

If we could swing the time I would do it!

:p :p :p Have a blast :p :p :p
No, not too long at all! I've found that our longer vacations at WDW are more relaxing because we don't rush around trying to get everything in. We have plenty of time for the parks, trying out several restaurants, and lounging by the pool. Enjoy!!!!!!
We have always been there for 8 days and my 10 year old hates to leave. Well, all of us hate to leave. 12 days sounds great.
It sounds wonderful! We are going for 10 and I would love to make it even longer!!!

Have a wonderful and safe trip!
Any amount of time is never enough time for WDW. The longest we have ever stayed was 10 days and we would have stayed longer if we could have. Kids have to get back to school!!!!
We have found that the longer you have, the less rushed you feel to "get everything done". Take some time to loung at the pool, sleep in a couple of mornings and enjoy each and every day!!!

Have a great time!!!!!!!
we're booked for 12 days next may and i'd have gone for 14 if not for having to get back to work, school, hubby, etc, !!! we're flying down on thursday and hubby is coming back on monday, while the kids and i stay on til sunday. i'm expecting that this will be more of a real vacation, one where we don't run from dawn til dusk, trying to see everything; we'll have time to do the parks, sleep in, see old town, sleep in, swim, go to universal, do the parks some more, swim again...you get the picture! i think it's far better than the 7-8 days we've done in the past! :Pinkbounc
We always do at least 12 days on our trips, preferably 14 days because having to travel so far, we can't do but one trip a year. My kids do fine with that length. It gives a less commando approach when you can go back to your resort and enjoy the amenities there in the afternoon for some good down time. My kids love the breaks at the pools. Go for it, and have a great time!
We are going for 13 nights on our next trip! :bounce: :Pinkbounc

We will probably do parks on most days but then leave early to nap, rest, swim, & just hang out. Once we set foot on WDW property, we won't leave until we are heading home. ;)

I can't wait! :cool:
I don't think it's too long. I'm completing plans for our fourth Disney trip this year. The last trip was a 14 day combined work/leisure trip but there were only 2 days void of theme parks. As I am putting on the finishing touches of our plans, I can't believe there isn't more 'down' time.

Then it hit me: 4 Disney Parks, 1 waterpark (we've never even done a water park before this trip!), 1 Universal, 1 IOA. Even if we only do one park a day that's 7 days taken with park hopping!

One day to shop, one day to arrive - heck I'm already into a 9 day trip without a 'down' day. And we've still not hit Disney Quest or Cirque!

I really don't think you need to worry about it being too long! Have fun!


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