Our First WDW Trip-Getting There

Julia M

DIS Veteran<br><font color =red>not clever, not wi
Jun 10, 2000
The Family

Me: will turn 39 on this trip, the planner
Brian: dh, age 42, Disney Lover
Michael: almost 9, happy to miss a week of school
Emily: 6 1/2
Thomas: just turned 4

Well it’s finally the day. I got up at 6:30 and was still frantically trying to clean and organize the house before we leave, because we have friends staying here as they are having work done on their house. I had also decided, as long as I am doing all of this work, I might as well spring clean, so I am pulling outgrown clothes from closets and drawers, toys that aren’t being played with, and so on. So, by this morning, I was wiped!

I am also last minute packing! Brian wants to leave at 10:15, to have plenty of time to get to the airport, check in, etc. So, of course, we are not on the road until 10:40!

We have a very high number when we check in at SWA, but since we have a child under 5, we get to pre-board. We carried a small cooler, with some wonderful salads and sandwiches from Trader Joes (for mom and dad) and lunchables for the kids. As it turned out, SWA does provide a simple snack if your flight is over 2.5 hours, but we didn’t know that.

Since I had the boys next to me on our first flight, and Brian had Emily, we switched for the 2nd flight. I lucked out, because a 6 year old girl, flying unaccompanied, got on the plane. The stewardess was putting her in the row ahead of us, when I offered to have her sit with us. Emily and Brittany entertained themselves the entire trip, and I enjoyed the time to read my book. My dh Brian, on the other hand, was kept busy with Thomas! I enjoyed the Greek platter I brought from Trader Joes, with hummus, falafel, pita and tabouli salad-one of the stewardesses wanted to know where I got my meal! I highly recommend Trader Joes if you need a meal for a plane ride.

We finally arrived in Orlando, picked up our bags and went to National to pick up our car. There were maybe five cars on Emerald Aisle, and NO full sized cars on that aisle. I grabbed the only full sized car on EA (there was no one around to ask-it was about 11pm) and we went to check out. I had brought my print out from my on line reservation, and sure enough, when I asked about the cost, they had it wrong. We had a reservation for $208 (for 11 days) and they had it as $222. I know it’s just a bit more, but I said something. The attendant couldn’t fix it to come up at $208, so we ended up with a full sized car for $186!

We made it to WDW okay, and checked in at Port Orleans-Riverside. It was very confusing finding our way in the dark, and Brian got lost with our bags trying to find our room a second time. I had requested building 27, and called yesterday to ask again, since we would be arriving so late. We had been assigned 27, but the CM added a note-“do not change building assignment”, which I thought was nice.

The kids liked the room, (especially the trundle bed) but we had little time to check things out-it was now midnight and we were planning to go to the MK tomorrow, nice and early.

Expenses for the day:
$26.15 food from Trader Joes
$20 autograph books
$6.27 Albertsons (b’fast supplies for hotel)
$8.09 5 sodas at Kansas City Airport
$1.25 tolls
horrible.........I love Port Orleans and Dixie Landings....and now I am sure together forever.......thanks for your start of your trip report........


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