Our First WDW Trip: Day 3-MGM, EPCOT, Wonderland Tea Party

Julia M

DIS Veteran<br><font color =red>not clever, not wi
Jun 10, 2000
The Family

Me: will turn 39 on this trip, the planner
Brian: dh, age 42, Disney Lover
Michael: almost 9, happy to miss a week of school
Emily: 6 1/2
Thomas: just turned 4
Grandma: my mom, 60ish
Papa: my dad, 60ish
Uncle Bob: my younger brother, single, Emily’s godfather

We got a later start today than planned. We have to check out of our room, and check in at Orange Lake Country Club. We get everything packed up pretty quickly, but Bob is not awake, so the kids can’t go over. We get a phone call about 8:30, and bring the kids to my parents room. I leave my mom money for Emily and Thomas for the Wonderland Tea Party, and Brian, Bob, Michael and I head off to MGM. When we arrive, we head to Star Tours (one of Michael’s favorites) and ride without any wait. We then go to the Indiana Jones stunt show, which Michael loves. Brian and I head off, leaving Michael with Bob (he is trying to convince Bob to see the show again) We walk over and get a FP for Tower of Terror, and wait for Beauty and the Beast to begin (the 11:15 show) There is an awesome pre-show, with 4 guy singers. Since we didn’t have breakfast, I grabbed a pretzel (it was huge) that we shared. Since our FP for ToT started at 11:45, we ran over to Rock N Roller Coaster before riding to grab a FP for it (it’s for 2:20-3:20) I really liked ToT, and am glad I didn’t chicken out.

We then saw the Great Movie Ride (not a great ride, but cute), took the Animation Tour (I wasn’t too impressed) and rode Rock N Roller Coaster. I am glad I did it (I mean, I came all this way, I didn’t want to NOT do it, but, as they say, once was enough for me. I bought a Mickey Mouse cookie cutter and GOH badges for the kids.

We headed out of the park, stopped at the Publix and checked in at OLCC. The check in went relatively quickly and we went to see our room. A king bed in the master bedroom, and jacuzzi tub (cool!) and 2 doubles in the 2nd bedroom. Also, a full sized washer and dryer. The tv in the living room was huge, and there were tv’s in both bedrooms (we knew the kids would think that was great)

We hung around the room about an hour and then headed to EPCOT. We tried to get a FP for Test Track, but they were all gone for the day. We ate in Mexico (the counter service) which was average. The service was insanely slow, to the point I thought I was going to scream. We then just walked around through the International Area. I made Brian stop so I could try a Beaver Tail. We left to pick up the kids from my parents, and they weren’t there. We waited and waited and waited for the boat from DD (where they were planning on going) until I was really irritated. When they finally returned, they had to call for a wheelchair-my brother had an attack, and could barely walk. Bob has had some major health issues in the last two years, and it’s frustrating-he can be perfectly fine one day, and hospitalized the next. Someone from the hotel had a wheelchair at the dock pretty quickly, so he could get to the room.

On a side note…while waiting, we watched several boats return. On one, a little girl darted ahead of her parents and fell of the dock into the water. It looked quite scary. When the captain says “take children by the hand” they are not joking.

Emily and Thomas’ Day: They went to Fort Wilderness, rode the ponies, visited the petting zoo and then headed to GF for Wonderland Tea Party. They decided they were scared to go, but when they arrived, who should be there but Katie and Sheryl, the CM’s from the Pirates Cruise. They greeted the kids by name and seemed genuinely glad to see them (my mom was really impressed)

Michael& Bob's Day: They started the day at MGM with us, and after we separated, Michael managed to talk Uncle Bob into seeing the Indiana Jones stunt show again! They also did some stuff at the MK, then headed back to PO. They went to DD for dinner (via boat) and had dinner at Portobello Yacht Club (good, according to Bob and my parents) They had a good day until Bob had his attack.

Tomorrow: Breakfast with the princesses, then off to EPCOT


$45.90 Wonderland Tea Party
$2.50 soda
$3.03 pretzel
$37.50 Publix (cereal, yogurt, milk, oj, mudslides, beer, wine cooler maragritas and diet coke)
$5.30 Mickey cookie cutter
$15.90 GOH badges for the kids
$19.09 Dinner at Cantina de San Angel
$3.50 Beavertail
So sorry to read about your brother's attack. Hope he recovered quickly and was able to enjoy the rest of his trip.
How were the beaver tails? Some people seem to love them and others don't. Were they any good?
Another great day. I'm really enjoying how you break down the daily expenses. Thanks for posting.


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