Our First WDW Trip: Day 2-Pirates Cruise, PO Pool and DD

Julia M

DIS Veteran<br><font color =red>not clever, not wi
Jun 10, 2000
The Family

Me: will turn 39 on this trip, the planner
Brian: dh, age 42, Disney Lover
Michael: almost 9, happy to miss a week of school
Emily: 6 1/2
Thomas: just turned 4

Today is supposed to be a relaxing day, after our cross-country trip and a full day at the MK yesterday. We have PS’s for 1900 Park Fair at 8:10, but bailed-we’re just too tired! We headed to the Grand Floridian (just observed in the distance yesterday from the MK) and went to check in the kids for the Pirates Cruise. There are a lot of kids milling around-we get our three pirates fitted with life vests, obediently promise to return at 11:45, watch them sail off, and run for the monorail-we want to check out three resorts with our time.

The first stop is the Contemporary, and within 10 minutes we are back in line, waiting for the monorail-it’s just not a place to hang out. The next stop is the Polynesian. We grab a cup of coffee and peak in a few shops, check out the pool-we like this place! Brian says that if we return to WDW, we should stay here ( he has NO idea of the cost, or these words would not be coming out of his mouth!)

We return to the GF, and wait for the kids to arrive. They have had a great time, and Thomas (according to Michael and Emily-master informers) has not been good. We talk to him and take him over to Katie to apologize. It turns out he wasn’t that bad-just ran towards the boat (away from the group) at one point. The kids are full of details about the cruise and have obviously had fantastic trip. The CM’s also gave us a pass for River Country one per child) that expire in December, 2030.

We take the kids on the monorail for a ride and then head back to PO. We go to the French Quarter to hang at the pool, which the kids like better than the swimming hole at Riverside. We ate at the Food Court at FQ-I though the food wasn’t bad.

While we are at the pool the shuttle launched We aren’t able to see much more than the streak in the sky, but since that’s more than you see in CA, it’s exciting.

After the pool we took the boat to DD. We went to the RFC, and they had a 30 minute wait, so we decided to wait. We poked in and out of the shops close by, and the kids watched the crocodile awhile, and then we were seated. Thomas, especially, liked the animals, so I am glad we went (there wasn’t a lot about this trip specifically for him), but otherwise, I just can’t recommend it at all. The kid’ meals were $6.99, and then you had to pay $1.99 for a kids drink. Emily’s meal was spaghetti (without sauce), so, for 8 bucks, she got a small bowl of spaghetti and milk. I mean, really!!! It made Disney’s prices look reasonable!

The kids wanted dessert, but no way was I going to give RFC more of my money, so we promised them ice cream. But by the time we had visited the LEGO store, I was ready to go to bed, so I bribed them with a treat in the room. Thank goodness, I had brought my own “surprise” snacks (a few treats from Target bought on Monday-Easter candy 50% off) and they were happy with that.

We definitely lucked out with transportation in both directions-both times large groups of people were in line behind us within 5 minutes.

This was my birthday today-I’m glad it was a nice day.

Tomorrow Brian and I have the day to ourselves…Michael will hang with Uncle Bob…Emily and Thomas with Grandpa and Papa (other 3 adults arrive tonight)

$5 Maid tip
$5.30 coffee at Polynesian
$4.23 shot glass from Polynesian (for my cousin, who collects them)
$67.85 Pirates Cruise (kids paid $10 each from the money, I paid the rest)
$33.76 lunch at food court at French Quarter
$60 RFC dinner (3 kid’s meal, 2 sandwiches, 2 drinks)
$7.25 sudafed for Brian
I'm still reading! We will be staying at POR in a little over 2 weeks and plan on utilizing the pools at both resorts, too. Also, the boat to DD sounds so relaxing.
Sounds like you all had a great day, and you had a Happy Birthday! No better place to be to celebrate.


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