Oscar Nominations


Disney Freak
Apr 24, 2000
The Oscar noms are in and Monster's Inc and Pearl Harbor actually got a few noms. Here's the list of Disney noms. A complete list can be found at www.oscar.com -

Monsters, Inc. (Disney)
*Best Animated Feature (up against Jimmy Neutron and Shrek)
*Music Score
*Sound Editing (up against only Pearl Harbor)
*Original Song

Pearl Harbor (Disney)
*Sound Editing (up against only Monsters, Inc.)
*Visual Effects
*Original Song - There You'll Be

Royal Tenenbaums (Disney)
*Screenplay (Original)

In the Bedroom (Miramax)
*Best Picture
*Tom Wilkinson - Best Actor
*Sissy Spacek - Best Actress
*Marisa Tomei - Best Supporting Actress
*Screenplay (Adapted)

Amelie (Miramax)
*Foreign Language Film
*Art Direction
*Screenplay (Original)

Iris (Miramax)
*Jim Broadbent - Supporting Actor
*Judi Dench - Actress
*Kate Winslet - Supporting Actress

Bridget Jones's Diary (Miramax)
*Renee Zellweger - Best Actress

Kate and Leopold (Miramax)
*Original Song - Until - Sting

Pixar also got a short animated film nom for "For the Birds."

If you ask me, I think Royal Tenenbaums got robbed. It was quirky and very funny.

And as a little aside: Go Moulin Rouge!!!! :D

Now Mr. Scoop.…

In another post you write “Miramax's Birthday Girl & Shipping News were just pickups so the blame for their bad performance can be attributed to the production company rather than Disney”. Which way shall it be Mr. Scoop – only a lawyer would argue that one can receive all of the credit yet escape all of the blame.

Actually, ‘The Shipping News’ was one of Miramax’s in-house productions (along with the other holiday flop ‘Kate and Leopold’). Miramax is having a very hard time with their inhouse production and it’s causing a bit of a strain between New York and Burbank. Look at all those Miramax/Universal joint productions coming out this year…

In Hollywood, there are studio movies and independent. Movies that are actively produced in house by a studio are ones like ‘Pearl Harbor’, ‘Monsters, Inc.’. A bunch of suits sit around in meeting before, during and after production. Independent movies are created by entirely different companies and either purchased outright by a studio or the studio books the movies into theaters for a percentage of the take. Most of Miramax’s movies fall into this category – ‘In the Bedroom’, ‘Amelie’, ‘Iris’, ‘Bridget Jones’. The studios have nothing creatively to do with the film at all.

The biggest nomination that I need to add to the list is David Lynch for Best Director for ‘Mulholland Drive’ That film was made as a TV pilot for ABC but canned by Michael Eisner as too weird (one of the few times I agree with him).
Personally I can't wait for M Knight Shyamalan's new film Signs. Disney owned companies combined makes Disney the most nominated Studio with 24. P.S. I think Black Hawk Down should have received more nominations.
Monsters, Inc. (Disney)
*Best Animated Feature (up against Jimmy Neutron and Shrek)
*Music Score
*Sound Editing (up against only Pearl Harbor)
*Original Song

Musical score?!? I don't remember there being a single note of music in this entire film until the credits started to roll. How the heck can it even be nominated for best Music Score?

As for Best Animated Feature...GO SHREK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Show's count is right, and Disney has the most nominations, then I definitely second Scoop's comment:

Overall, if this was a "bad year" for Disney film divisions, then a good year must really be something...

3rd in box office, 1st in Oscar nominations. For a bad year, that's not too bad...

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