Orlando with Preschoolers


Earning My Ears
Jan 18, 2002
My family, including 2 pre-schoolers, is planning our first trip to Orlando ever. Some people say this is a great age to take dd, others say to wait. I know there are things they can only enjoy at this age like the Barney Show at Universal, etc. What are the best sites? Would they enjoy the Medieval dinning? Seaworld? Seaworld Luau? Kennedy Space Center? I need to know what we could/should skip; and what we shouldn't miss. Thanks. :confused:
We have been to Disney World 3 times in the last 5 years since we adopted our 2 daughters. they were 2 years old, then 4 years old then 5. They loved it each time , you just have to expeience it through their small eyes. For instance, at the magic kingdom you will be spending most of your time in fantasy land and watching parades , also be sure to spend time listening to the entertaining bands and character greets. Preschollers love going in Mickey and Minnies House ect..... there is plenty to do. Next surprisingly enough my preschoolers love EPCOT. All the paviloins have hands on exhibits that the kids can play with and all the lands have KIDPORTS where they have arts and crafts of the native lands with helpers who are natives of the host country. This will give one of you time to brouse while the other watches the kids and sips a drink. They also have musicians or "acts" in each land that my girls loved to watch. MGM has many shows geared to the little ones and Animal Kingdom is like a big zoo with rides. Off site Sea World is great, but Universal while it has some things for kids seems more geared for teenagers (we cant Wait!!!). I did'nt even mention the water parks, or downtown disney .or just going to the different hotels and walking around and letting the kids explore everything . The look on there eyes is worth every penny. One bit of advice, stay on site( an EPCOT resort is perfect) if you can (or at the HIFS which is just as close)and definetly rent a car. When your kids are cranky and need a nap you dont want to be waiting for shuttles. Also we brought are own double stroller when the girls got tired we just let them nap and went on the adult rides using the baby swap. Good luck and have fun just dont feel the need to do it all and remember the kids just love the fact that their on vacation with you, if you are having fun so will they.:bounce:
Tazdeb has given you some great advice. What I'd like to add is for you to consider booking a character breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table in Magic Kingdom. It's a pain to do...it's the most popular priority seating in WDW...but if your daughters are into the princesses, you just can't beat it. Our 4 yr. old daughter and 2yr. old son loved it, as they watch many of the Disney Classic movies.

For your trip, I would suggest sticking with WDW. It can be overwhelming to both adults and children and you should build in some downtime to rest and relax. Preschool age is not too young for WDW, but it is young for "commando-style" park touring. I think we're able to tour successfully with our children because we pay attention to their signals. sometimes it means leaving a park earlier than we planned. At other times, we've spent a full day at MK without naps and without meltdowns later!

Another thing to keep in mind, it's sometimes unpredictable how children will react to the characters. Some love them, some are very scared. Mine are scared of the costumed characters who wear headpieces, but can handle the costumed characters at Cindy's breakfast.

You'll see the parks a whole new way through a preschoolers' eyes!



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