Opinions on Whether you Need a Car at Old Key West?


DIS Veteran
Jun 9, 2000

We're staying at Old Key West next month. We'll be going to Epcot one day and probably eating at Ohana's at the Poly one evening. The rest of our stay we'll be resting at the resort. We may make a few trips to Downtown Disney also. How's the boat transportation to Downtown Disney? Also, does Old Key West have a refillable mug program?

The boat ride from OKW to DD is a nice one. we did it one of the days it was running (too cold) back first week of Jan.

We had a car, the only day we drove to a park was Friday (our checkout day) to MGM, the other days we took a bus. We did use the car to get to the Poly for Ohanna's for dinner. So for wether a car is necessary, I am not sure. We probably could have gotten to dinner without it, just with lots more time. It was nice to have the car.

As for the refillable mug, I think they do have it there, but unless you get up front near the hospitality house it is pretty useless (IMHO). We were in bldg 38 so it would take a LONG time to walk up to get it refilled, even a car ride would take a few minutes to get there.

We have stayed at OKW more times than we can remember over the last 10 years. We rarely have had a car, and it's never been a problem.

When it comes to getting to another resort, if we didn't want to transfer buses, we've asked the bellstaff to get a cab for us. They're all over WDW, and they're very reasonable.
We enjoy having a car for numerous reasons. Access to offsite restaurants, shorter commute to all parks except MK and the freedom to explore other resorts. It's all a matter of what you enjoy doing, we don't spend the entire time in the parks.
As Halle said in the earlier post, we like having the convenience of having a car.We like to go to off-site restraunts (TGIF's,Chiles,etc) also we like going to Pleasure Island and being 3 minutes from our Villa, when ever we feel like going back. When we do the parks, we do use the busses. We fly down to Florida, so we always rent a car anyway.And by the way.....we will be down at OKW in 10 days and counting..............:bounce:
Hi, While it is lovely to have a car whilst at Old Key West, we considered it more of a luxury and didn't use it all of the time. True, the buses aren't the best but, that is more due to the stops they have to make within the resort than anything else. It is worth the inconvenience just to stay there - it is beautiful.

As for the refillable mugs, I think you have to pay a small amount for the refills, the same as at the Boardwalk but, someone please correct me if I am wrong. It is a great resort. Have fun.

Almost forgot to say, if you are eating in the room a lot and get a town car such as Tiffany to collect you from the airport, for a small amount extra, they will do a stop at a grocery store for you.
Just a little FYI, the towncar services usually don't charge a fee for the 30 minute grocery stop. I've used Tiffany's many times, and the only stipulation is that you ask ahead of time so they don't have that car committed for a pick-up.
Are you a type A personality, if so then bring (or rent) a car. Disney Transportation is a casual thing. It will get you where you want to go as long as you are relaxed about your travels. The boats are great (our favorite) but do not hurry (there is a no wake zone). As a DVC member we have changed our way of enjoying WDW by refusing to hurry any where, there is always next time. Having said that, If you want to get to a resort for a PS, you should plan your trip to that resort to allow for transportation or parking. Disney buses are taylored to getting to and from the parks. We went to AKL for PS at Boma's directly from the AK and just hopped on a bus. Getting back to OKW involved grabbing a buss to DTD and then a buss to OKW. Hope you enjoy your trip and take the time for somw Disney Magic.:smooth:
We recently stayed at OKW and didn't feel the need for a rental. Our decision was based on the fact we didn't want the burden of having to "find our way" to different places. Hubby and I both drive for work so it was just something we didn't want to do. We used "Your Ride" for transportation and they stopped for groceries for us and they were great.
Having said all that, I think next time I WILL rent a car. Because the parks closed so early it was a pain to get around at night. Getting to and from the parks was easy but to go to another resort (for dinner) was a pain. To get to the front office of OKW depending on where you are can be time consuming waiting for a bus. Not that the buses didn't run efficiently but a 2 minute run to the front office can take considerably longer by bus. As far as the refillable mugs I don't think so, I believe DH asked about it.
We have stayed at OKW 2 times. Once with a car and once without a car. It was nice to have the car in case we needed it, but we didn't need it :) It stayed in the lot except for a grocery run. If you plan on visiting other resorts often, you would be better off with one. If you are mostly just doing the parks and DTD, then you really don't need one :)
We just returned and we were glad we had a car..... but we really didnt need one. It came in handy on days we were eatting at other resorts..... There are some good car rental discount codes out there.... if you can get one for a deal..... get one!!!
We have done both, rented and used town car transportation. We certainly like having the car available for certain things, but it is not a necessity. I certainly won't rent a car this trip unless these rental car companies lower their prices a bit. I have better things to do with $400-$500 than a rental car! :D

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