Oops! Forgot great rate

Slightly Goofy

Sep 30, 2000
I forgot to post that our April 22-29th trip is at the $65 rate and our September 22-Oct 3 rate is the unbelievable $49 rate. I just love these boards. You added at least 5 days to our trips. As far as Disney goes, they are going to reap rewards as we will be eating out more days, looking for more souveniers and won't be adding to the long ride lines as we can wait until they are not busy. At that rate we can even take a day off and sit and ponder the wonders of it all.

Tom and Linda
I know that you will enjoy every minute of those extra days! :)

<font face="papyrus"><font size=2><font color=blue>BethR
Budget BoardCo-Host
Co-Host of The Rewards Board
That's what I L-O-V-E about a bargain; it frees up your money to use for something else.
The way I look at it; I'm just doing my part to jumpstart the economy!!! LOL :D
I can understand others wanting the luxury of the upscale resorts but I like to spread my money out to get the most bang for a buck. Not cheap, just careful. We went to La Cirque last time and that was not cheap by any means but it was worth every penny and by saving money in other ways that did not matter it was not a stretch to be able to go. Different strokes for different folks.



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