One day, no children -- which park would you choose?


Earning My Ears
Aug 30, 2001
I'm going on a business trip to Orlando in early January -- I have time for about 5 hours on a Saturday to go to a Park. This will be the only time I'll ever get to go there without a child. So here's my choice (you may consider this heresy LOL) ... Epcot or Universal Studios? I've been to both ... I love them both ... which would you go to if you only had time for one (and I can't go at night). ??? And if you have another choice altogether, let me know what that is! Thanks. :)
I think I would go to Epcot and take a leisurely stroll around WS. I think the only things I would plan to do would be to have a nice late lunch or early dinner (depends on your timeframe) and try to see some of the shows like the Chinese Acrobats or Imaginum or Le Mime. Other than that, I would putz around the shops and various things I never seem to get to do when I'm pushing around a couple strollers. In any event, I would probably avoid MGM since I believe Saturdays are EMH days there. If you would rather do attractions than the relaxation route, tool around FW during your time (or maybe do a little of each).
Another vote for Epcot here! You can really take your time and enjoy the countries in the WS!


I too vote for EPCOT.....walk around the world visit the movies and exhibits with no kids, whoopie. I would be in heaven. :cloud9:
I had the exact same situation about a year ago. I had a business trip to Orlando that started on Monday morning, so I flew down on Sunday afternoon. I had about 5 hours. I went to MGM, I wanted to ride RnR and ToT. One side of ToT was down, so it was a 60 minute wait. So I just rode RnR. Hopped on the boat to Epcot, walked around the Food & Wine Festival and saw Illuminations. Spent the night at CBR and drove downtown in the morning.
I pick Epcot too. You might spend to much time in lines at Universal since you only have 5 hours. You can do alot at Epcot in 5 hours.
Go to Epcot! Walk around WS, grab a beer, have a snack, go to Mexico , get a Margarita, ride El Rio del Tiempo, etc., and just enjoy!! I just got back and I would do anything for another afternoon there!!!
Epcot for sure!! DH and I will be down in Feb. without the kids for the first time and the thought of walking around the WS looking thru the shops and munching whatever wherever is my idea of a little slice of heaven. :flower1: :flower1:
I would do EPCOT the way I would like to do it, which means seeing only what I want, when I want and snacking where I want!
Hard choice as I love Universal as well. hmmm, I'd go to IOA and ride spiderman about 10 times though instead lol.

Honestly, I would do Epcot WS too. I'd love to stroll around and really have a look, stop for a drink, snacks, see all the things that bored the kids. Go into all those shops with tons of glass and look at the items instead of watching where the kids hands are, :rolleyes:

Either way, it sounds like fun!
I vote for Epcot too! You can take your time and explore all of the shops that normally you have to skim through or even skip with the kids.
I would love to have some alone time in Epcot!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for the kids to get older so that I can REALLY visit that park.
When I read your post- Epcot, particularly World Showcase was my first thought!! Being able to actually look at things and take my time.... sounds really good to me!
I'd bet if you posted this on the Universal board you'd have the exact opposite result, with all the responses urging you to go to Univeral.


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