Ok WL experts, room location help needed!


<font color=red>Who needs a birthday for birthday
Feb 8, 2001
Hi all. We are staying at WL standard view room at the end of the month for our 5th anniversary. I plan to fax the hotel a few days before we go and I have never stayed here before. I was wondering where I should request if I want something that is NOT all the way down a wing. Hoping for something near an elevator and a biggie I am hoping for something close to the buses. I have 2 hyerniated disks and arthritis in my back and sciatica in my leg. Last Disney trip we did with the kids, I had to rent one of those scooters, but I'm trying to do it all on my own, relaxed since no kids, but don't want to have to hike all over the hotel to get too and from the buses. Also, if I get something near the buses, how far away will the boats be then? Thanks so much in advance for any help you can advice.
Hi, We were at the WL last month. You are going to love it!!!!!!!
Sounds like you may want to stay on the first floor, but if not, the 4th or 5th floor rooms 4099,98, 97or 5099, 98,97 are right by the elevators! (I don't know if they are standard view, though)
However, it is a little bit of a walk to the Roaring Forks. It is closer to the Roaring Forks on the first floor, but if you like a view from a higher floor, go for the 4th or 5th. No matter what, you will love the lodge, the atmosphere and everything about it!!!
We did!!!
We were at the very end of the hall so I can't help you out there but I do know that the bus and boat are not close to each other at all (relatively speaking). Getting a room near the lobby would put your at a pretty equal place from both each. Also how important would it be to be near Roaring forks. We were there several times a day with our mugs. My thought is if you got one of the rooms right by roaring forks either 1st or upper level that you could fill er up and go! At that point though all the buses would be through the lobby, a covered walkway, and down a slight incline.

Good luck!


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