'Ohana means... EVERYTHING! A sentimental Sept/Oct 2018 PTR - Update 9/15

Love this PTR! I'm planning a September 2018 family trip as well and love reading your posts! Can't wait for the next one.

Thank you oh so much! I get all smiley and squeaky when I see someone comment on this bad boy!

I hope your planning is going well! Come on, September! :cool1:
8. Battle of the Sexes and ADRs:

So "battle" is not really true, but it'll do for a title.

The plan is on our longest Magic Kingdom day to have some "girl time" and "boy time".

Originally we thought we'd do this when my dad was missing in action to visit some friends who lived a couple hours away. However, dad is going to rent a second vehicle and drive there straight from the airport. (He will keep said vehicle the whole trip so we'll have the luxury of two cars for the week)

He'll stay the night there Friday night and spend the day with them Saturday. This means he'll miss
Animal Kingdom, but it's the easiest one to miss and the one he's most willing to do so. I also told him we have the next Friday to head back to anything he wants to do.

Trista, Hallise, and I are excited because we've decided to do Afternoon Tea at the Grand Floridian.


Now, on AllEars.net they show one decaf tea that I'll be able to drink. (I am allergic to caffeine, for lack of a better word.)

"Princess Breakfast Tea- South African Organic Rooibos flavored with vanilla beans and a hint of strawberry. This tea is rich in antioxidants and vitamins and is naturally decaffeinated."

I'm hoping this is available or something similar so I can actually have tea. Then I plan on ordering what they deem the kids package (copy and pasted from AllEars.net):

Mrs. Potts Tea -

First Course
Assorted Tea Sandwiches including tuna salad, ham & cheese, and Peanut Butter & Jelly on white bread
Second Course
Jam Tart
Delicate House-Made Pastries

Accompanied by our special "dark tea" (chocolate milk) or a tea selection

This option is $23.00.

Sister and Hallise plan on getting the lowest "adult" option (copy and pasted from AllEars.net):

The Bedfordshire Tea -

First Course
Medley of Finger Sandwiches accompanied with Berries, Cheese and Lavosh
Second Course
Buttery Scone and Jam Tart
Choice of delicate House-Made Pastries, Strawberries and Creme, or English Trifle

Accompanied by your choice of tea
(charge for additional pots of tea)

Which is $35.00.

I get to make our ADRs this Sunday so FINGERS CROSSED everything goes well. We really want this.

I think the boys are going to do the boats at Polynesian (?), but I don't know. I don't know their plan at all. It likely does not include Magic Kingdom that morning. Ours definitely does. Us girls love MK to bits and will happily spend our morning there before tea time. Then jump on the monorail for some afternoon refinement and fun.


So Pierce and Mario have done the boats. Were they at Disney Springs or Polynesian? Ugh. I cannot remember what they did. But my dad is hopeful to join in on some boating fun. I'm pretty sure they did the Sea Raycer at Poly. Aaaand if I'm correct, Pierce will be old enough to drive his own. :scared:

Luckily, I don't have to do FastPasses just yet, so they can think on their plans some more. I've reminded them about the ADR deadline this weekend in case they wanted to plan some special food option.

After everyone's separate time, we'll all meet back up at the hotel before enjoying the long evening at Magic Kingdom together.

As of now, my stressors are centered on ADRs and Free Dining. My goal is 4 ADRs which include two PPO Be Our Guest breakfasts, one PPO Garden Grill breakfast, and our Afternoon Tea. I WANT THEM ALL.

I usually dabble about after I get what I need to see what's available. But most of the places we'd splurge on just aren't worth the splurge for me.

Plus, Free Dining will hopefully be announced in April. But I'm also hoping not April 1st or I'll be recruiting Trista to call Disney for that.

182 days to go!
9. Waking at 4:30 in the morning

180 days to go which means today is ADR day!

I was up at 4:30 in the morning and not too happy about it. (Disney site opens at 6 am Eastern for ADRs which is 5 am my zone)

However! I am pleased, mostly, with my outcome.

disney schedule 040118_LI.jpg
(confirmation numbers blacked out 'cause that just seems personal :confused3)

The only thing that didn't go as I'd hope is the Garden Grill at 8:40 am. The park opens at 9... that is cutting it too close.

So I nabbed a Friday Garden Grill at 8 am because it was available. We may nix the first one if I can't get a better time between now and then and just do it Friday.

I got our Be Our Guest breakfasts both at 8 though! party:

We'll be seeing a cleared out Main Street and be able to have a leisure breakfast with an easy Fantasy Land morning. Woot! I love being able to get SO MUCH DONE in the mornings and saving Fast Passes for the afternoon. Then I nab the single FP options once those are gone. I can usually manage to get 5 or 6 in a day total, including the pre-planned ones.

Regarding dining, the boys are wanting to schedule a lunch around the time we'll be having tea. No decisions made yet, but there are plenty of options still available. Some toss -abouts have been Coral Reef or Rose and Crown. We shall see!

I also am sad Disney hasn't released hours on their official site yet for our dates yet. I'm sure the hours we found are legit, but I really want to confirm my calendar with theirs. I kept assuming it would update farther in time, but alas it has not.


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Tarah, haven't been to Disney in 10 years or so (except for the absolute requirement of a breakfast at 'Ohana), but still love all things Stitch so your title sucked me in...really enjoying reading your PTR, you sound like you are enjoying every minute of the planning. (And the gifs are on point every time!)
Tarah, haven't been to Disney in 10 years or so (except for the absolute requirement of a breakfast at 'Ohana), but still love all things Stitch so your title sucked me in...really enjoying reading your PTR, you sound like you are enjoying every minute of the planning. (And the gifs are on point every time!)

Thank you so much for posting! I get a genuine shock every time I see a reply on this thing!:scared1:


I'm so glad you're enjoying reading along. And I'm glad my gifs aren't too much. :rotfl:
10. Ch-ch-changes


So there have already been some changes. Adjustments, if you will.


The "battle of the sexes" day has been moved to Saturday.

Mario and Pierce are going to Universal Volcano Bay. :beach: My dad will be visiting friends as planned. :car:

Trista, Hallise, and myself are planning a day in Magic Kingdom, instead of the original Animal Kingdom plan. We'll be using Disney transportation.


I got us PPO breakfast at Be Our Guest and we still have Afternoon Tea at Grand Floridian. (woot monorail!) Trista is also hoping to get Hallise a Bippity Boppity Boutique reservation. (Though it's already seeming a struggle to find a cute dress for Hallise to wear. Everything "dress up" stops at size 10.)


We're letting Hallise plan the whole day. Her FP+ choices are Tinkerbell, Big Thunder Mountain RR, and Buzz Lightyear. (We're still a while out from getting to make them.)

Everyone plans to meet up around dinner time. What we do then will be up in the air.

Since the boys of the bunch won't miss the second day at Magic Kingdom, we'll move the Animal Kingdom day to Monday. Then we still have the long Magic Kingdom day on Wednesday.

I haven't canceled any ADRs yet just in case something changes again. We also grabbed an Ohana dinner for Friday night. This is a maybe.

Friday will likely be split between EPCOT and Hollywood Studios. I don't think we'll end up doing all four parks. :scratchin

I can't remember if I included the update that Pam and James, Mario's parents, decided they won't be coming along this trip.

I'm still desperate to do MNSSHP. I don't know why. I like the idea of stealing the kids of Thursday, an EPCOT day, to do the party while adults are adulting at EPCOT. It's still a lot of money though. So it will be a long time before I can decide.

173 days!

Tarah, I love reading your pretrip report! We're also planning our first WDW vacation this September with our ohana including two tiny humans and I'm already picking up so many good tips from you! Can't wait to follow along with your planning..
Long time lurker, infrequent commenter here as well (though I am trying to get better about that, and am also writing a PTR of my own.) We are going to arrive the day you are leaving . I too am a member of that dreaded club....and you are right, there is no way you can understand it until you become a member yourself. :sad:.
Tarah, I love reading your pretrip report! We're also planning our first WDW vacation this September with our ohana including two tiny humans and I'm already picking up so many good tips from you! Can't wait to follow along with your planning..

Gah! Thank you so much! What a compliment! I'm about to post a big update and if you're going in September, I hope you got it too! :thumbsup2 (spoiler alert: I mean free dining :rolleyes1) How exciting to plan your first WDW trip! Eee! :hyper:


Long time lurker, infrequent commenter here as well (though I am trying to get better about that, and am also writing a PTR of my own.) We are going to arrive the day you are leaving . I too am a member of that dreaded club....and you are right, there is no way you can understand it until you become a member yourself. :sad:.

Hi hi hiiii! I'm so sorry you're a member of the club as well.


I hope you have great crowds for your trip since most of the free dining crowds should be gone! I'll have to check out your PTR. :cutie:
11. And I'm freeeeee... free dining!

That's right, peoples of the DIS. WE GOT FREE DINING!


I've been stalking websites and newsletters for the info on when free dining was going live. I checked yesterday just to be sure and it was a big nope. All signs pointed to today.

I set my alarm for 4:40 am (website goes live at 5 am our time) AND FELL BACK ASLEEP.

I woke up at 5:10 am and panicked! Of course, the website was slammed and I had a few blips. BUT I GOT IT.


Then I called Trista and woke her up and said GET ONLINE YO.

So she got it too! :hyper:

I told my dad later this morning when humans are actually supposed to be awake and he was ecstatic!

I'm thrilled we went with our gut on where to stay. For giggles, around 5:45 am I started checking other hotel availability for our dates with the Free Dining? Yeah. Everywhere was either sold out on Free Dining rooms (like Pop Century) or more than double our current cost at All Star Music. HIGH FIVE.


This takes a lot of pressure off the budget to have this in the bag.

I hope anyone else who may have been hoping for Free Dining was able to snag it as well. It is tricky no doubt!

In other exciting dining news, I was able to score Garden Grill at 8 am on our first EPCOT day. So I killed the ADR on Friday since it was no longer necessary.

Here's an update of The Spreadsheet:042418.png
The two likely to get canceled are 1900 Park Fare and Ohana. I've always wanted to do 1900 Park Fare and I think Hallise will LOVE IT. But it's just so much monies! Ohana just seems obvious to our family, but again not necessary.

I am still going for one of two options regarding MNSSHP however:

  1. Trista and I go to MNSSHP Thursday night
  2. Myself and the squishies go to MNSSHP TThursday night

Update on our FastPass+ Plans:
042418 fastpasses.png

So I gotta say, I'm sad that according to everything I've read the tiers for AK are the two Pandora rides in Tier 1 and then everything else bundled up in Tier 2. What if you don't want one of the Pandora rides? Can you pick three from Tier 2? Sometimes I don't get Disney...

Nonetheless, Fastpasses are still a good way out and I've no doubt we'll be happy with what I'm able to get.

Meanwhile, we're still doing the FREE DINING DANCE. Woot!

157 days to go!
Joining in! We are going in September as well! I was so glad to score Free Dining as well! I am so sorry to hear about your Mom! My Mom is still here with me, but I did lose a Sister almost two years ago. Losing a close family member is not easy at all! :hug: We adopted her son after her passing. I love your memorial tattoos!
My name is Tarah. It's like Sarah, but with a T. I don't know why so many people say it wrong, but they do. So I feel the need to clarify out the gate. Apologies to anyone who feels slighted by that.

My Name is Tehra, pronounced like Terra (Teh-ra). Or Sarah with a T and a softer e sound at the beginning. I feel your pain.....
and a lot of people insist on pronouncing it Thera or re-spelling it that way no matter how many times I correct them. <sigh>
11. And I'm freeeeee... free dining!

That's right, peoples of the DIS. WE GOT FREE DINING!


I've been stalking websites and newsletters for the info on when free dining was going live. I checked yesterday just to be sure and it was a big nope. All signs pointed to today.

I set my alarm for 4:40 am (website goes live at 5 am our time) AND FELL BACK ASLEEP.

I woke up at 5:10 am and panicked! Of course, the website was slammed and I had a few blips. BUT I GOT IT.


Then I called Trista and woke her up and said GET ONLINE YO.

So she got it too! :hyper:

I told my dad later this morning when humans are actually supposed to be awake and he was ecstatic!

I'm thrilled we went with our gut on where to stay. For giggles, around 5:45 am I started checking other hotel availability for our dates with the Free Dining? Yeah. Everywhere was either sold out on Free Dining rooms (like Pop Century) or more than double our current cost at All Star Music. HIGH FIVE.


This takes a lot of pressure off the budget to have this in the bag.

I hope anyone else who may have been hoping for Free Dining was able to snag it as well. It is tricky no doubt!

In other exciting dining news, I was able to score Garden Grill at 8 am on our first EPCOT day. So I killed the ADR on Friday since it was no longer necessary.

Here's an update of The Spreadsheet:View attachment 318918
The two likely to get canceled are 1900 Park Fare and Ohana. I've always wanted to do 1900 Park Fare and I think Hallise will LOVE IT. But it's just so much monies! Ohana just seems obvious to our family, but again not necessary.

I am still going for one of two options regarding MNSSHP however:

  1. Trista and I go to MNSSHP Thursday night
  2. Myself and the squishies go to MNSSHP TThursday night

Update on our FastPass+ Plans:
View attachment 318924

So I gotta say, I'm sad that according to everything I've read the tiers for AK are the two Pandora rides in Tier 1 and then everything else bundled up in Tier 2. What if you don't want one of the Pandora rides? Can you pick three from Tier 2? Sometimes I don't get Disney...

Nonetheless, Fastpasses are still a good way out and I've no doubt we'll be happy with what I'm able to get.

Meanwhile, we're still doing the FREE DINING DANCE. Woot!

157 days to go!

I feel you on the free Dining. I score yesterday too! Happy Dance! It makes the whole thing that much for exciting!
Is September here yet???

ALSO sorry didn't mean to SPAM your replies section. I actually accidentally posted the same thing twice and then edited this one because I din't know how to delete.
FREE DINING!!! YAAAAASSS!! :cheer2::banana:

Trista here! The older sister with the tiny humans! Work and these kids keep me so busy, I don't get to post here as much as I would like. Also, I am no where NEAR as good at writing as Tarah.

I was never so happy to be woken up at 5:30 in the morning!! Especially since it was not an actual "Disney Day" :surfweb: Dad and my hubby Mario were also VERY pleased we snagged Free Dining. I was also so happy we stuck with All Star Music. It's our Disney "home" and the place we have made many a great memories. Fingers crossed for Calypso building we requested!!

The girls day is going to be AMAZING! Tarah, Hallise and myself all together with no boys is a dynamic we do not get very often. We were going to schedule a Bippity Boppity Boutique appointment for Hallise, but after reading reviews and seeing pictures, we decided the Mermaid package at Pirates League is more bang for your buck. Also, way cuter and much more Hallise's style! Going to try and get that reservation tomorrow. :thumbsup2

More updates to come from Tarah! We have some more news that I will let her share! Thanks everyone for following along!

148 days to go!!! :jumping1:
Joining in! We are going in September as well! I was so glad to score Free Dining as well! I am so sorry to hear about your Mom! My Mom is still here with me, but I did lose a Sister almost two years ago. Losing a close family member is not easy at all! :hug: We adopted her son after her passing. I love your memorial tattoos!

Isn't Free Dining just so nice? I'm sorry about your sister. :hug: That is heartbreaking. As you've read I'm sure, I'm extremely close with my sister. I cannot dare to imagine. I've been lurking on your PTR! :hyper:

Is September here yet???

ALSO sorry didn't mean to SPAM your replies section. I actually accidentally posted the same thing twice and then edited this one because I din't know how to delete.

You understand my name troubles! :rotfl: You have such a pretty name too! High five for scoring Free Dining as well! AREN'T YOU SO EXCITED?! :banana:

FREE DINING!!! YAAAAASSS!! :cheer2::banana:

Trista here! The older sister with the tiny humans! Work and these kids keep me so busy, I don't get to post here as much as I would like. Also, I am no where NEAR as good at writing as Tarah.

I was never so happy to be woken up at 5:30 in the morning!! Especially since it was not an actual "Disney Day" :surfweb: Dad and my hubby Mario were also VERY pleased we snagged Free Dining. I was also so happy we stuck with All Star Music. It's our Disney "home" and the place we have made many a great memories. Fingers crossed for Calypso building we requested!!

The girls day is going to be AMAZING! Tarah, Hallise and myself all together with no boys is a dynamic we do not get very often. We were going to schedule a Bippity Boppity Boutique appointment for Hallise, but after reading reviews and seeing pictures, we decided the Mermaid package at Pirates League is more bang for your buck. Also, way cuter and much more Hallise's style! Going to try and get that reservation tomorrow. :thumbsup2

More updates to come from Tarah! We have some more news that I will let her share! Thanks everyone for following along!

148 days to go!!! :jumping1:

I love it when you pop up! :lovestruc I'm so thrilled Hallise decided to go the Mermaid route! I think it was the bestest choice she won't regret. :cutie:

I hope we get our room requests! I'm going to make sure to fax a request for joined rooms, but if we at least get Calypso I'll be happy.


Haha. Love you!
12. It's Party Time!

A decision has been made! Trista and Mario have given their stamp of approval. The tiny humans are excited.

I'm taking the squishies to Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party!

I have not purchased tickets yet, but I plan to within the next month or so. I don't see them selling out before then. I'm hoping it's not a sold out night at all, of course.

We'll be going on Thursday, October 4th. I'm also hoping the Thursday choice will help lessen the local crowds.

It's an EPCOT day, so I'll steal the squishies in the afternoon to get ready. They've already agreed we want to get to MK early to get in line for Jack and Sally.


I read the line was at 3 hours before the party even started last year. :scared:

The kids are already tossing around some costume ideas. I told them all about the parade, the fireworks, and the trick or treating. I've been reading up on tips and tricks. (It's been years since I went to one and I didn't have tiny humans)


We plan on doing trick or treating. (what kid turns down candy I guess right?) I'll take a backpack to dump candy into. Our goal will be to watch the second parade in Frontier Land where it begins so we can spend less time waiting for the parade to reach us. Supposedly, it's a little more spooky fun dark back there too. I forget what time the fireworks are compared to the parade, but I'll have it all planned out. Trust.

I love how pumped the kids are too. They even are excited about the Sanderson Sisters.


Meanwhile, Trista, Mario, and Dad will be having an adults-only evening where I'm sure alcohol and Disney fun will be involved as well. Woot!

I did purchase this for about 4 bucks...
mermaid tee.jpg
"This is my mermaid costume."

Add some cute hair and makeup and BAM. Done. And still comfy. (I had to guess my size because I'm still losing weight, but if it doesn't work out I'm only out four bucks.)

The time I went before, I dressed in a cute black top with black devil-ish horns that made Maleficent comment. It was great. I'm not really a costume kind of gal. :confused3

On the topic on mermaids, however, I'll reiterate what Trista posted just before this in case you missed it. Hallise is going to be a mermaid too!

On our girls day, we decided to go Pirate's League instead of BBB. Between pictures and reviews, it became a clear choice and, I think, a good one.

So we have an 8:15 am ADR at BOG. The park opens at 9. Hallise has a 9:20 reservation to become a mermaid. It cuts into rope drop time a little, but this way she can enjoy her mermaid fun all day, the cast members will be fresh, and appointments shouldn't be backlogged.

There's this ah-dorable dress on Justice that we're eyeballing for her:
mermaid dress.jpg

The cutest right?? And the reviews are good. She'll be cool and comfy, but still feel dressed up for her appointment. Aaaand our tea ADR that comes at 2:05 pm.

My last update is a baby one where Dad has decided to return to Disney Sunday. He was going to miss Saturday and Sunday visiting friends.

Now, he's going to drive back either Saturday night or Sunday morning to meet up with us all. He realized Sunday was a Hollywood Studios day. He did not want to miss out. :thumbsup2 Dad has serious Disney FOMO. WHO WOULDN'T? Amiright? :rotfl:

Oh! Another baby update is I bought an itty bitty video camera. So I have a really nice digital camera and camcorder, but I don't like having to lug them around. Not just them, but a bag where I don't fear breaking the pricey equipment. :sad2: The last time we went to Disney, Trista had this little HD video camera smaller than your fist. SO SMALL. And the quality is great. We just watched the video from that trip the other day.

So I bought one as well. We'll have two to take on this trip. We considered dropping big bucks on a Memory Maker, but instead I spent $45 on this little guy and between these and our phones, I think we'll be good. Most of my luck with photos a la Disney are not great. My sister will fix my hair and tell me to pull down my shirt. I'll tell her to adjust her bag and get her good side. Know what I mean? We do well on our own. I'm not overly keen on some of the magic shots either. Most of my favorite pics from our past trips are ones we took ourselves or some stranger took for us.

The latest Spreadsheet Schedule and FastPass Plans:

050318 schedule.JPG 050318 fastpass plan.JPG

148 days!

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Love your trip report.... I also love the tattoos.

We usually drive to WDW from Colorado but I think will be flying for the first time in about 9 years. It always used to be cheaper to drive and I'm a little terrified of flying. Once Disney announced they are charging for parking, it pushed me towards the flying Route.

Have fun on your trip :ccat:
Love your trip report.... I also love the tattoos.

We usually drive to WDW from Colorado but I think will be flying for the first time in about 9 years. It always used to be cheaper to drive and I'm a little terrified of flying. Once Disney announced they are charging for parking, it pushed me towards the flying Route.

Have fun on your trip :ccat:

Thank you for commenting!! I've been lurking on your PTR! :cutie:

I hate the actual flying itself but love the convenience. We always rent a car so the parking fee will still hit us. Sadly I have a control issue and relying on Disney buses if I don't have to just makes me very uneasy. If I had to Disney without a car I absolutely would deal with it, but I'm spoiled in this manner. :rolleyes1
13. Official officialness

Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party tickets have been purchased!


Madness I know. A lot of money, but I know the squishies and I are going to make great use of our party time. I hope we create special memories. I mean, Disney is perfect for that!

ticket confirmation.JPG

I now don't have to worry about the night selling out or letting down the kids after planning to do this. It. Is. Done.


I'm so excited!

Alright. That was all I had for this...

It's a sad little post I know. I'll make up for it soon I hope!

144 days!


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